Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 5 October, 2011; 6(13)

October 2011

Psychosocial determinants of conflict-handling behaviour of workers in oil sector in Nigeria

  The study examined the joint and relative influence of three psychosocial factors: Emotional intelligence, communication skill and interpersonal skill on conflict-handling behaviour of oil workers in Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted and a sample of 610 workers was randomly selected from oil companies across the country. Data were collected using emotional intelligence scale (r=0.78), communication...

Author(s): BANKOLE Akanji Rafiu

October 2011

Functions of code-switching among Iranian advanced and elementary teachers and students

  This paper reports on the findings of a study carried out on the advanced and elementary teachers' and students' functions and patterns of code-switching in Iranian English classrooms. This concept has not been adequately examined in L2 (second language) classroom contexts than in outdoor natural contexts. Therefore, besides reporting on the findings of the study, the paper also argues for bringing...

Author(s): Mohammad Momenian and Reza Ghafar Samar

October 2011

The effects of the activities of current textbook and 5 E model on the attitude of the students: Sample of “the global effects of natural resources unit”

  This study aimed to determine the effects of the activities of current textbook and 5 E Model on the attitude of the students. This study is a research as an experimental model. For testing the effects of geography education supported by 5 E model and geography education based on activities of current textbook attitude of students, controlled pre-test and post-test is used. Process had gone on eight weeks....

Author(s): Abdulkadir Uzunöz

October 2011

The teachers level of emotional intelligence some of the demographic variables for investigation

  The study aims to examine the level of emotional intelligence of some of the demographic variables of the teachers working in the province of Gaziantep. Acar (2002) adapted to Turkish by Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Ability Scale 5-item scale used in grading and answered 87. The study evaluated data; descriptive statistical methods (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) were used. If more than two...

Author(s): Ilhan Adilogullari

October 2011

An examination of the programme for international student assessment (PISA) 2003 Turkish database with the aim of exploring the relationship between homework variables and mathematics achievement

  The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the amount of time spent on homework in all subjects (HTAS), the time spent on mathematics homework (MHT), confidence in doing mathematics homework (HCM) and the mathematics achievement of students in Turkey, based on data from the programme for international student assessment (PISA, 2003). According to the results of the multiple regression...

Author(s): Cem Oktay Güzeller and Ayça Akın