Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2014

Table of Content: March 2010; 5(3)

March 2010

The implementation of school based continuous assessment (CA) in Zambia

  In Zambia, continuous assessment (CA) is defined as an on-going, diagnostic, classroom-based process that uses a variety of assessment tools to measure learner performance (MOE, 2005:5). Over the years, examinations have been used for selection and certification, without formal considerations on school-based continuous assessment as a component in the final examinations at Grade seven...

Author(s):   William. M. Kapambwe

March 2010

Graduate careers during the post-communist transition in the South Caucasus

  This paper uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative evidence to assess the ways and extent to which, by 2007/2008, higher education graduates in the South Caucasus capitals were, and were not, deriving labour market benefits from their higher education. The quantitative evidence is from representative samples of approximately 200 in the age range 31 - 37 who were living in each of the three capital...

Author(s): Jochen Tholen, Dilara Huseynzade, Anar Ibrahimov, Gary Pollock and Ken Roberts

March 2010

Effect of alternative and augmentative communication on language and social behavior of children with autism

  Teaching children with autism is a challenging task for educators and parents, as the children display marked deficits in language and social behaviors. One of the major goals of an intervention program for children with autism is to provide them a method of functional communication and ample opportunities to practice these skills. For some children with autism, a communication system that uses...

Author(s): Rubina Lal

March 2010

Learning environment in medical schools adopting different educational strategies

  Faculty of Medicine, King Fahad Medical City (KFMC) has adopted the problem based learning (PBL) curriculum. This study investigates the educational environment in the school, it also compares the educational environment prevailing in problem based learning curriculum with that of conventional and outcome based curricula. A cross sectional study included one hundred and thirty seven males...

Author(s): Mohammad Othman Al Rukban, Mahmoud Salah Khalil and Abdulmohsen Al-Zalabani

March 2010

Rate of financial return to university schooling among lecturers in two public universities in Kenya

  Influence of education on earnings among workers is well documented. However, the level of relationship that exists between earnings and schooling among lecturers in public universities in Kenya remain undetermined. The purpose of this study was to establish the financial profitability of university schooling in Kenya. The study was based on the theory of investment in human capital which...

Author(s): T. O. Rugar, T. M. O. Ayodo and J. O. Agak