Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: March 2022; 17(3)

March 2022

The level of social acceptance of children with autism spectrum disorder integrated in regular schools from the point of view of parents and teachers in Jordan

The present study aimed to determine the level of social acceptance of children with autism spectrum who are integrated into regular schools from the parents’ and teachers' perspectives in Jordan. The researcher built a scale of social acceptance of children with an autism spectrum disorder. It consists of (34) items distributed in three dimensions; it was applied to an exploratory sample from outside the...

Author(s): Feryal Abdel-Hadi Al-Shenikat

March 2022

Influence of marital communication on family stability of married teachers in Nsukka education zone

This study examined the influence of marital communication on the family stability of married teachers in the Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State. It was guided by two research questions and two hypotheses. The population comprised 1688 married teachers in Nsukka Education Zone secondary schools. A correlation design was adopted for the study. The sample was 455 respondents. Proportionate stratified sampling techniques...

Author(s): Joachim Chinweike Omeje, Benedeth Lebechi Ugwu and Chinenye Ifeoma Ogidi

March 2022

The situation of French as a second foreign language in secondary education institutions in Turkey

This study aims to quantitatively analyse the situation of French as a second foreign language in secondary education institutions in Turkey. Regarding presenting a comparative analysis, the study is limited to German as a second foreign language, currently included in the curriculum of secondary education institutions in Turkey, and are excluded fewer common languages such as Chinese, Spanish, Italian, etc. The...

Author(s): Nahide Arslan

March 2022

Case study of the out of school Teenage Mothers’ lived experiences and perceptions on education in Rusororo sector, Rwanda: A back to school framework

This study purposed to investigate the lived experiences of out of school teenage mothers during pregnancy, and post-delivery in Rusororo Sector, Gasabo district, Kigali City. It is a qualitative study that used case study design to investigate the school teenage mothers (participants) on their perceived school experience with fellow students, teachers and school leaders, study courses, and parents; the psychological...

Author(s): Patrick Gatsinzi