September 2010
Implementation of regional and international HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support conventions and declarations in Lesotho, Malawi and Mozambique
Governments across the world have endorsed numerous international Conventions and Declarations (C&Ds) that enhance interventions to reduce the impact of HIV and AIDS. The objective of this study was to assess the extent to which the governments of Lesotho, Malawi and Mozambique have implemented HIV and AIDS international and regional C&Ds to which they are signatories. Data were collected through...
September 2010
Utilising six sigma for improving pass percentage of students: A technical institute case study
Service sector accounts for a substantial share in Indian economy and among the service industries, education sector is emerging as a major commercial activity in the nation. Globalization, growing competition among institutions, emergence of new technologies, changing socio-economic profiles of nations and knowledge driven economies have created a scenario where quality in education is beginning to occupy...
September 2010
Opportunities and challenges for public primary school head teachers in the implementation of free primary education in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya: An analytical assessment
This study investigated opportunities and challenges for public primary school head teachers in the implementation of Free Primary Education in Kisumu municipality. Being a descriptive research, the study population consisted of 114 head teachers, 17,100 class seven and eight pupils in the municipality. Out of this, a sample of 37 head teachers and 456 class seven and eight pupils was selected through...
September 2010
Leadership style of school head-teachers and their colleague’s work-family conflict
This paper aims to investigate the relationship of people-oriented and task-oriented leadership styles with the work-family and family-work conflicts and the intensity of mutual relationship between work-family and family-work conflicts. Data for the research were collected through a survey of public sector elementary and secondary school teachers of Punjab in Pakistan. Factor analysis and Pearson’s...
September 2010
Comparison of early childhood education (preschool education) in Turkey and OECD countries
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate how the difference the early childhood education in Turkey and OECD countries. The outstanding point evaluated by the teachers about the difference between the education in Turkey and that in OECD countries and the conditions needing to be improved was the compare of age groups benefiting from the services within the frame of Early Childhood Education (ECE) and the...
September 2010
TEFL textbook evaluatıon: From teachers’ perspectıves
This study aims to examine the advantages and disadvantages of one type of TEFL materials, English language textbook “Spot On” , used in state primary schools in Turkey. Sample of the research consists of 46 English teachers chosen randomly from state primary schools in Malatya and Adıyaman city centres. A five-likert type scale was used for evaluation. In this research, the...
September 2010
Preschool children’s Turkish language skills related to various variables (sample of Denizli)
The purpose of this research is to study 5 - 6 years old preschool children’s Turkish language skills related to various variables (socioeconomic status, profession of fathers, working of mothers, education levels of parents, numbers of siblings, age of children and gender of children) in Denizli. The sample of the research consisted of 223 (114 boys and 109 girls) preschool children of 5 - 6 years old...
September 2010
An assessment of teachers’ preference for lecture delivery methods in medical education
The aim of the study was to assess the medical teachers’ preference for various lecture delivery methods like the lectures using chalkboard, utilizing transparencies with an overhead projector (OHP) or lectures using a PowerPoint presentation and their frequency of use of teaching aids. The faculty of the medical college was asked to fill in the structured questionnaire about their utilization and...
September 2010
University students’ explanatory models of the interactions between electric charges and magnetic fields
This study aimed to investigate the models that co-existed in students’ cognitive structure to explain the interactions between electric charges and uniform magnetic fields. The sample consisted of 129 first-year civil engineering, geology and geophysics students from a large state university in western Turkey. The students answered five diagnostic questions, testing their understanding of the...