International Journal of
English and Literature

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. English Lit.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2626
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEL
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 281

Table of Content: August 2016; 7(8)

August 2016

"Moments of infinite joy within a limited time": The concept of time in John Green's The Fault in our Stars

Time is a major theme in John Green's young adult and romantic novel, The Fault in our Stars (2012). Green spent ten years trying to write the book. Even though Hazel and Gus experience typical teenage problems, as well as extreme physical hardships and psychological conflicts due to their cancer disease, they still manage to have a great time together. They fall in love with one another, meet their favorite author,...

Author(s): Gehan M. Anwar Deeb

August 2016

‘You have no past, no history’ : Philosophy, literature and the re-invention of Africa

Africa has been a victim of misrepresentation since the advent of colonialism. This paper, which is largely based on textual analysis, examines how African philosophy and literature intersect in an attempt to bring about a better understanding of Africa in both the West and Africa itself. The study argues that the intersection of literature and philosophy in African literary discourse we witness is an inevitable...

Author(s): Michael Andindilile

August 2016

Globalisation and African women’s bodies: Some fictional representations

Gender as an important resonance in the transnational dynamics of globalisation significantly compels African women to transgress orthodox boundaries and traditional spaces which often limit them to domestic spheres. Particularly in the global south, for instance, the gendered forces of globalisation, complexly restructures people and spaces such that African women’s identities and sexualities are profoundly...

Author(s): Omolola A. Ladele