International Journal of
English and Literature

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. English Lit.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2626
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEL
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 281

Table of Content: November 2018; 9(6)

November 2018

An analysis of bullying in schools as presented by two Ugandan novels

This paper analyzes the depictions of bullying in schools in two selected Ugandan novels: Goretti Kyomuhendo’s The First Daughter (1996) and Mary Karooro Okurut’s The invisible Weevil (1998). The study is about the vices that education transmits to the learners depending on the socio-cultural and political context. One of them that education transmits is the bullying of fellow students. Bullying is both...

Author(s): Mary Naula, Manuel Muranga, Cornelius Wambi Gulere and Joseph Jakisa Owor

November 2018

Lyrical life: The prevailing mysticism of the evolution and inevitable putrefaction of the great human race

“Souls come to light after a fierce fight / among lovely ‘xx or xy’ pairs at day or night” This hypothetical review is regarding the poem “Lyrical Life” which is a fourteen-line poem in a sonnet structure written by the author of this article. This article is intended to share the author’s philosophy of life with that of other scholars and philosophers including pre-Socratic...

Author(s): Faisal Ahmed