International Journal of
English and Literature

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. English Lit.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2626
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEL
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 281

Table of Content: October 2012; 3(6)

October 2012

Season of Migration to the North and the story of the Sudanese Nation: Hopes and Impediments

  Season of migration to the North has been variously described as a novel of events, a postcolonial quest novel, and more than little postmodern novel. Having won large audience across the globe, Season of Migration to the North has been acclaimed as one of the first hundred masterpieces in the world and the best Arabic novel in the twentieth century. While Season of Migration to the North has been...

Author(s): Yahya Ali Abdullah Idriss

October 2012

Will there ever be a final solution? Mahesh Dattani’s final solutions revisited in the light of communal divide

  India since ancient times has the history of communal violence and it has grown up witnessing all that goes with this sectarian divide and selective preferences. This undercurrent of mistrust runs unabatedly between the two most dominating communities in the sub-continent-Hindu and Muslim-as generation after generation this feeling of cultural and communal animosity is further transmitted to the coming...

Author(s): Dashrath Gatt

October 2012

The significance of religion in Hamlet

  The tragedy Hamlet is one of the most important of Shakespeare’s plays published and performed as part of the rainbow of world literature. This study investigates the role of religion in Hamlet, and attempts to provide a new interpretation to understand how religious beliefs influence the characters’ motives. Text analysis shows Hamlet’s social surroundings are receptive to...

Author(s): Omar Abdulaziz Alsaif

October 2012

Speaking as an indicator of general proficiency in placement test

  This study investigates whether there is a strong correlation between the speaking abilities of Iranian learners of English and their general proficiency as reported in placement tests. Thirty intermediate learners from three English conversation classes at an English language Institute in Tabriz participated in the study. A standardized 300 D test of Nelson English Test was used to determine their overall...

Author(s): Zahra Shirinzadeh Aghdam and Ali Akbar Farahani