Nurses working at the frontline of providing preventive and curative services are being exposed to risks of illnesses or accidents in the workplace. Safety and the quality of the work environment is germane to productivity and efficiency. Occupational hazards are preventable if only the needed information, facts and skills are provided to nurses by ensuring safe work environments. The study aimed to describe the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards occupational health hazards and its prevention; identify the perceived factors that contribute to the occurrence of occupational health hazards and lastly the preventive strategies employed against the occurrence of occupational hazards among Nurses. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 91 registered nurses in Lagos University Teaching Hospital Complex. The result showed majority of respondents 85(93.4%) stated that poor compliance to universal precautions expose the nurses to occupational hazards. Lifting of heavy objects and equipment is a factor that contribute to the occurrence of occupational health hazard among Nurses 83(91.2%). Most of the Nurses had good knowledge and a positive attitude towards prevention of occupational health hazards.
Keywords: Knowledge. Attitude, Occupational Health Hazards, Nurses, Prevention