It could be said for certain that eLearning has become an issue for the office of each university president, in view of the enormous benefits of incorporating it into a university system. The proliferation of eLearning in recent years has been imposed on the universities who would want to adopt some kind of eLearning to establish a committee or a unit for integrating and administrating it. Unfortunately, after reviewing documents and sites of dozens of these university units, confusion is apparent in establishing these units as well as poor knowledge of how to deal with the issue of eLearning. This paper provides a brief introduction to eLearning unit (eLU), addressing some sites of eLUs in previous studies, proposing a road map and a structure to integrate eLearning project, illustrating the needed staff of eLU, summarizing the relations of eLU with other university units, and finally, listing its main tasks and activities.
Key words: eLearning unit, eLearning committee, project, eLearning initiative.
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