This paper presents policy issues from a study that was conducted by members of the Uganda National Advocacy team on HIV/AIDS Care from July to December 2012. The aim was to explore HIV/AIDS challenges among older persons and strategies that could be used to curb the effect. Respondents were purposively selected older persons from rural and urban areas of Pallisa, Kamwenge, Luwero and Budaka districts. It was a qualitative study. Data was collected using focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with 40 elderly persons at health center IVs. And an interview schedule was administered to 4 key informants who included health personnel working at these health center IVs. Respondents were selected with the help of community leaders and Village Health teams. Others were accessed through snowballing. Elderly persons provided data on HIV/AIDS-related challenges and proposed strategies that could be used to curb the disease. Key respondents provided data on strategies that could be adopted to curb the effects of the epidemic. Data was analyzed using content analysis and descriptive methods. Results showed that older persons were faced with policy issues regarding HIV/AIDS. They included lack of access to ART treatment due to long distances to the health facilities were ART is available, high costs, stigma and isolation by society, negative attitude of the community and nutrition challenges among others.
Key words: Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), older persons, challenges, policy strategies, Uganda.
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