Full Length Research Paper
This study was conducted to assess provider perceptions regarding value of tablet-based patient-reported outcome (PRO) assessments in routine care. Patients self-administered a brief PRO assessment of several clinical domains on-site prior to HIV clinic visits. Providers were given succinct summary results. 1:1 interviews were conducted with providers regarding PROs utility and their integration into care, and coded interview transcripts into thematic areas. Providers described how PROs helped prioritize topics for discussion during the visit, and facilitated their identification and ability to address sensitive issues, particularly depression/suicidality, sexual behavior, and intimate partner violence. PROs further facilitated comprehensive identification of other issues and concerns which led to an additional but manageable workflow impact, regarded as a valuable tradeoff. Integration of PROs into workflows met with initial challenges that were easily resolved. Providers found PROs with results delivery prior to patient appointments valuable for routine HIV care and feasible for integration into clinic workflow.
Key words: Patient-reported outcomes, physician-patient relations.
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