Full Length Research Paper
Human resource is one of the important fundamental requirements for designing developmental planning for economy and society at both regional and national scales. Present day’s social science does not confine itself within the consideration of the process of development as a cumulative process of enhancing the physical quality of life of inhabitants; rather it tries to chalk out the plans for possible best utilization of human resources along with the proper reallocation of it to assuage the problem from paucity of human resources at demand zones, mainly the urban centers as well as to release the pressure from surplus population at the neighbouring agrarian sectors. The intensive subsistence agro-based economy is characterized by the inelasticity of the products, minimum scope of profit and the presence of surplus agricultural labourers. Agriculture plays a vital role for the national economy, especially for developing countries like India. This economic sector is required to keep healthy. The existing allocation of human resources does not support the profitable economy, so the reallocation of this resource is necessary. Effort has been made to adopt a theoretical modeling on the classical theories of regional growth as decision support device for this aspect.
Keywords: Human Resource Reallocation, labour transfer, agrarian society, numerical modeling, socio-economic development
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