Journal of
Geography and Regional Planning

  • Abbreviation: J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2070-1845
  • DOI: 10.5897/JGRP
  • Start Year: 2008
  • Published Articles: 399

Table of Content: January-March 2021; 14(1)

January 2021

Modelling inter-urban trip flow pattern of selected cities in Niger State, Nigeria

Inter-urban travel forms one of the main spatial and economic features of any nation’s economic landscape. Understanding and forecasting inter-urban movement is a crucial input for urban and regional transportation planning. This study therefore was carried out to develop trip generation model of selected cities in Niger State. Questionnaire survey was carried in three main urban centres in the state namely;...

Author(s): OJEKUNLE Joel Ademola, OWOEYE Emmanuel and OWOEYE Adelanke Samuel

January 2021

The impact of Rural Enterprise Development Hub (RED Hub) project on beneficiaries maize yield in Mqanduli, South Africa

The study analysed the impact of Rural Enterprise Development Hub (RED Hub) Project on maize yield of beneficiaries. Out of a total of 398 beneficiaries, 200 maize farmers were sampled using the Cochran sample size formula followed by convenience sampling at the second stage. With the use of a 'before' and 'after' approach, a survey was conducted using structured questionnaires which were administered on...

Author(s): Enoch Terlumun Iortyom, Sonwabo Perez Mazinyo and Werner Nel

January 2021

Soil carbon dynamics in a humid tropical zone in SE Nigeria: Environmental influences and conservation prioritization

Tropical landscapes are generally known to store much carbon in its varied ecosystems, but information required to prioritize and conserve areas with much soil carbon concentration is scanty. This study provides insight on the patterns of carbon storage and its dynamics in an extensive humid zone in SE Nigeria. Soil carbon data was downloaded from soil grids of 250 m carbon stocks for the first 30 cm of the soil profile...

Author(s): Nwabueze I. Igu, Chinero N. Ayogu and Ngozi V. Okolo

January 2021

Informal land use and environmental pollution in Ogbomoso

Against the background of the contribution of the informal sector and/or land use to the urbanization process of the developing economies, especially in Africa, this paper examines the spatial distribution and environmental pollution implications of automobile workshops, as an important informal land use in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. Inventory of the locations of the workshops was done, and air, water and soil samples were...

Author(s): Jelili M. O., Ayankanmi J. A. and Odunola O. O.  

January 2021

Home Building and demands of the population in Ramshar New Town

This paper studies the housing and town building policies. It analyzes reasons that new towns failed to achieve their strategic goals. This paper addresses the question of why the new towns are not functional. The research methods are classic linear programming, a benchmarking technique, and a case study strategy. The benchmarking procedure compares the existing urban development pattern to optimal building models. This...

Author(s): Abdol Aziz Shahraki