TRNSYS 16: A veritable solar modelling and programming simulation tool used in the design of a continuous solar powered adsorption refrigeration system
July-December 2021 - Vol 12 Num. 2
Project feasibility gave rise to the need for simulation. Simulation of a project leads to reduction in production cost, which ensures the success of the proposed project. Also, it provides initial design data for the experimental project. Thus, the design analysis and variables used for project simulation must be...
TRNSYS 16: A veritable solar modelling and programming simulation tool used in the design of a continuous solar powered adsorption refrigeration system
July-December 2021
Development of a mathematical model to study the impact of state of charge dependent exchange current density on the generated voltage hysteresis of silicon anode-based lithium half cells
January-June 2021
Physics of deactivation of gyroscopic inertial forces
January-June 2021
Thermal deformation of a thermal shield material vs. method of heat supply
January-June 2021
Transient thermal analysis of different types of IC engine cylinder fins by varying thickness and introducing slots
January-June 2021
October 2014
Effects of fuel injection discharge curve and injection pressure on upgrading power and combustion parameters in heavy-duty (HD) diesel engine with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation
November 2013
Optimal maintenance scheduling of thermal power unıts in a restructured nigerian power system
November 2013
Prediction and optimization of weld bead geometry in gas metal arc welding process using RSM and fmincon
November 2013
Set up Reduction – A perfect way for productivity improvement of computer numerical control (CNC) set up in manufacturing company
October 2013
Study of effects of burner configuration and jet dynamics on characteristics of inversed diffusion flames