Journal of
Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health

  • Abbreviation: J. Vet. Med. Anim. Health
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2529
  • DOI: 10.5897/JVMAH
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 419

Article in Press

Lameness and welfare problems in donkey in Shashemene and NegelleArsi district, Ethiopia

Kufa Mustefa Hinsene

  •  Received: 06 June 2020
  •  Accepted: 31 August 2020
A cross sectional study was conducted from November 2017 to April 2018 at NegeleArsi and Shashemene district to estimate the prevalence of lameness and welfare problem in 301 donkeys in the two districts. Well-structured and pre tested, interviewer based questionnaire was used in addition to other data collection formats. The overall prevalence of lameness in donkeys working in the two districts was found to be 14.14%. The stepwise logistic regression reveals a significant association of lameness with Tropical Livestock Unit (TLU)(p-value =0.013) and housing (p-value=0.039),whereas road, load carried by donkey, water provided to donkey, daily working hours of donkey, daily expenditure on donkey, veterinary clinic remoteness and daily income gained from donkey was not statistically associated with lameness. Conformational abnormality statistically associated with taking donkey to the nearby veterinary clinic, daily expenditure on donkeys, load carried by quintals, daily cart income, frequency of taking donkey to the nearby veterinary clinic, roads and occupation of donkey owners. Body condition also statistically associated with taking donkey to the veterinary clinic, veterinary clinic remoteness, load carrying and daily cart income with p-value of 0.003, 0.028, 0.029 and 0.004, respectively. Wound of donkey also associated with housing, taking to clinic and live weight of donkey with a 0.020, 0.021 and 0.020 of the p-value respectively. Hoof overgrowth significantly associated with a district (p-value=0.025), working day per week (p-value=0.026), all option securing livelihood (p-value=0.042) and daily expenditure on donkey (p-value=0.018). From total 297 examined donkeys 58(19.53%) donkey expressed abnormal behavior. In both districts all owners provided feed to donkey at working site. Almost all working donkeys in the area were male. In this study area there is no active engagement of Non-Governmental organization (NGO). Furthermore more studies toned to be performed and all the concerned bodies have to work together for the good welfare of donkey as well as the society.

Keywords: Donkey, Lameness, NegelleArsi, Shashemene, Welfare problem