November 2012
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha signaling: Regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis during ovarian corpus luteum development in mammals
The corpus luteum (CL) is a temporary endocrine structure in mammals, which is the site of intense capillary network (angiogenesis). The angiogenesis is a process of vascular growth that is mainly limited to the reproductive system in healthy adult animals, which enables the hormone-producing cells to obtain the oxygen, nutrients and also precursors necessary to synthesize and release different hormones essential for...
November 2012
Study on ovine fasciolosis: Prevalence and associated risk factors in North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia
A cross sectional study was conducted from November to April, 2011 in three districts (Gondar town, Gondar Zuria, and Dembia) of North Gondar Administrative Zone (NGAZ). The objectives of the study, were to determine the prevalence ovine fasciolosis and to asses risk factors associated with fasciolosis in sheep. Coprological examinations, was used to collect fresh fecal samples directly from live sheep during the study...
November 2012
Prevalence and public health significance of ovine hydatidosis in Bahir Dar Town, Ethiopia
Both cross-sectional and retrospective studies were conducted from October 2010 to April 2011 in Bahir Dar municipal abattoir and Azewa hotel to determine the prevalence and public health importance of hydatidosis in sheep. Hydatid cyst characterization was conducted based on routine meat inspection. Of the total of 400 sheeps examined by thorough meat inspection in Bahir Dar municipal abattoir and Azewa hotel, it was...
November 2012
Study on prevalence of bovine mastitis and its major causative agents in West Harerghe zone, Doba district, Ethiopia
A cross-sectional study was carried out in Doba district, West Harerghe, Eastern Oromiya State, Ethiopia from November 2010 to April 2011 with the aim of determining prevalence of mastitis in Zebu cows and to identify associated risk factors and major etiological agents. A total of 384 lactating Zebu cows were included in this study and out of these, 89 (23.18%) were found to be reactive by California mastitis test...