Challenges for teachers during COVID-19
January-June, 2022 - Vol 2 Num. 1
The year 2020 has been noted in the history of education as the COVID-19 pandemic that spread all over the world compelled the authorities to close down all educational institutions indefinitely. Meanwhile, the governments have decided to start education in an online mode which has become an emergency need for the...
Distance learning (e-learning) in Obafemi Awolowo University during Covid-19 pandemic school lock-down in Nigeria: The prospects and challenges
January-June, 2022
Challenges for teachers during COVID-19
January-June, 2022
Effect of gender on Basic Science students’ academic achievement in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria
July-December, 2021
Quality of trainers at public technical, vocational, education and training institutions: The missing link in Kenya’s skill development
July-December, 2021
Administrative effectiveness and systemic reform of universal basic education: A panacea for national transformation
January - June 2020
January - June 2020
Managing education for human resource development
January - June 2020
Self-esteem and academic achievements in mathematics in Anambra State
January - June 2020
Administrative effectiveness and systemic reform of universal basic education: A panacea for national transformation
July-December, 2021
Quality of trainers at public technical, vocational, education and training institutions: The missing link in Kenya’s skill development
January - June 2020
Factors responsible for mass failures in economics in Senior Secondary Schools (SSCE) Examination in Enugu educational zone