Full Length Research Paper
A grain yield trial was conducted in three locations in Southern Ghana. The objective of the trial was to determine the effects of genotype by environment interaction on 90 early maturing hybrid maize. The trial was conducted in Fumesua, Ejura and Kpeve; representing the forest, forest-Savanna transition and coastal-Savanna transition zones respectively. The analysis of variance for grain yield demonstrated that genotypic and environmental effects were highly significant (P<0.001) while their interaction was significant (P<0.005). The genotypes contributed 34.4% of total sum of square percentage while environment contributed 31.1% of the total sum of square of the variance. The genotype main effect plus genotype × environment interaction biplot explained 85.2% of total variation of the sum of squares for grain yield. P40, P16, P78, P53, P41 P9 and P3 were identified by GGE biplot analysis as high yielding and stable genotypes while P20, P80, P22, and P15 were low yielding but very stable genotypes. On the other hand, P59, P41, P16, P26 and P50 were high yielding but not stable and was recommended that genotypes with broad range adaptability can be tested on farmers field for possible release.
Key words: Tropical maize early maturing (TZEI), Genotype × environmental interaction (GGE) biplot, hybrid, Fumesua, Ejura, Kpeve trial, environment, treatment.
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