Full Length Research Paper
The search for alternatives to exploit nutritional and functional properties of agro-industrial by-products has stimulated the development of researches. Agro-industries have targeted different native fruits, such as jabuticaba, to produce juices or candies. Jabuticaba have high nutritional value, and its industrial residues can also contain nutritional compounds that may be recovered. The objective of this work was to verify storage effects on anthocyanin and flavonoid contents, color and physical-chemical features from agro-industrial by-products of two genotypes of jabuticaba (Clevelândia and Verê) and two industrial processes of juice extraction (crushing and steam). By-product samples were ground and the powder was packaged on vacuum, and was then stored during 135 days. The powdered peel of both Jabuticaba genotypes are rich in flavonoids and steam extraction was more effective to obtain the peel. Clevelândia genotype had higher anthocyanin content, but both genotypes showed high levels of this compound. Color quality is enhanced when dehydrated with attractive pigmentation for blends in food. Thus, jabuticaba peel has significant nutritional and functional levels, being a good source of fiber, ash, natural pigment and phenolic compounds. It can be used in food products such as bioactive ingredient.
Key words: Myrciaria cauliflora, shelf life, by-products.
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