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The study was conducted in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 rainy seasons at Nanzolo, Domasi and Mkondezi in three replications using the RCBD following the Mother-Baby Trial Approach. The objective of the study was to evaluate grain yield of twelve high-yielding rice (Oryza sativa) varieties that were selected and shared from elite Doubled Haploid germplasms of a Collaborative Project of KAFACI (RDA) and AGRA at Suwon in Korea and Africa Rice Centre, Senegal. An improved variety called Mtupatupa was used as a common check. Data collection was done on several traits including plant height at maturity, number of effective tillers and DUS as well as VCU. The two lines SR35285-HB3469-6 and Sahel 328 met farmers’ preferences during participatory variety selection because of earliness to maturity, high grain yield, medium to slender grain shape and long to extra-long, moderate aroma and absence of the white belly on the endosperm. The Genotype × Environment interaction summarized by the biplot of the two principal component axes explains 96.56% of the Genetics and Genotype × Environmental (GGE) variation. The hierarchical clustering pattern showed two main clusters in the dendrogram description. Genotypes SR35285-HB3469-6 and Sahel 328 had been therefore released as Wachangu and Makafaci, respectively, for lowland cultivation in Malawi.
Key words: Doubled Haploid, principal component analysis, DUS and VCU, GGE biplot, grain quality, grain yield, lowland, PVS.
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