Full Length Research Paper
A study was conducted to observe the demographic characteristics of farmers, to assess the use of fertilizers application by farmer and to identify the current status of cropping pattern in the study area. The demographic profiles of 60 respondents stated that the age ranged from 30 to 78 years and land holding ranged from 0.10 to 2.80 ha. The majority of farmers (40%) had a primary educational level. Farmers utilized the different kinds of fertilizers (urea, NPK compound, phosphorous, special potash and foliar) depending on crops and time of applications, and 68% of respondents used cattle manure as basal. Response on farming experience indicated that six different levels of 3 to 60 years. The most cropping patterns observed in the study area were rice-black gram, rice-fallow, maize-tomato, maize- tomato and lablab bean intercropping, maize-lablab bean, okra-tomato. In addition, some of the farmers cultivated horticultural crops such as banana, guava and ambarella. There is a highly significant positive relationship on farm size with cropping pattern. This study suggested that farm size, inputs, market price, labors and farmer’s willingness would influence the fertilizer usage and cropping patterns.
Key words: Demographic characteristics, fertilizer use, cropping patterns.
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