African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6900

Table of Content: 18 March 2010; 5(6)

March 2010

Salt stress induced changes in germination, sugars, starch and enzyme of carbohydrate metabolism in Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench seeds

  During germination stage, the influence of NaCl on cumulative germination percentage, starch, total soluble sugar and phenol content in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, cultivar Marsaouia) seeds and growth seedlings components (cotyledons and embryonic axes) were studied. Seeds were sown in Petri dishes with varying concentrations of saline solutions (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mM NaCl) at...

Author(s): Besma Ben Dkhil and Mounir Denden

March 2010

Response of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to lead toxicity: Growth, element uptake, chlorophyll and water content

  The effect of lead on accumulation of Pb; mineral composition in roots, shoots and leafs; growth-development; chlorophyll and water content of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Falcon) seedlings was tested under doses of 0-control, 75, 150 and 300 mgl-1 Pb. Lead accumulation was defined by elevated concentrations as 75 to 300 mgl-1 Pb in root, shoot and leaf tissues. Element uptake...

Author(s): Irfan Ersin Akinci, Sermin Akinci, and Kadir Yilmaz

March 2010

Modeling the fluxes of nitrogen, phosphate and sediments in Linthipe catchment, Southern Lake Malawi Basin: Implications for catchment management

  This study was carried out to investigate the fluxes of nutrients and sediments in Linthipe River catchment of Lake Malawi basin and the manner in which it is affected by anthropogenic activities and natural processes. Data on climate, nutrients, land use, soil and hydrology were collected to model fluxes of nutrients and sediments using the generalized watershed loading function (GWLF) model. The correlation...

Author(s): Gomani McDonald Chikondi, Valeta Joshua and Samson J. K. S. Phiri

March 2010

Seed to plant transmission of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vignicola isolates in cowpea

  Seed transmission of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vignicola was investigated to ascertain the importance of seed as a primary source of inoculum for bacterial blight disease in cowpea. The study was carried out using seeds of five cowpea varieties (TVx 12349, IT86D-721, IT82D-889, Ife Brown and TVx 3236) artificially inoculated with three bacterial isolates (Ikenne, Kano and Ibadan), and...

Author(s): R. U. Okechukwu, E. J. A. Ekpo and O. C. Okechukwu

March 2010

Estimating crop coefficient model for upland rice (NERICA) under sprinkler irrigation system

  Efficient crop coefficient (Kc) estimation is very important to adequately determine water use of a selected crop. In this study, crop coefficient was determined for upland rice (NERICA) under a sprinkler irrigation system. The estimation was derived from the relationship, where LAI is leaf area index and MTA is the mean tilt angle, under standard environmental conditions in Ibadan, Nigeria. The fraction of...

Author(s): C. O. Akinbile and A. Y. Sangodoyin

March 2010

Impact of exchange rate reforms on Sudan’s economy: Applied general equilibrium analysis

  Exchange rate is one of the major trade policy instruments used to correct current account deficit. This study used the standard computable general equilibrium (CGE) model developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to analyze the possible effects of exchange rate policy on the Sudanese economy. Sudan social accounting matrix (SAM) for year 2000 was used as a core database for the...

Author(s): Azharia Abdelbag Elbushra, Omer Elgaili Elsheikh  and Ali A. A. Salih

March 2010

Some important properties and classification of vertisols under Mediterranean climate

  Vertisols comprise some of the important arable land in Northwestern Turkey. Five sites were selected to present vertisols occurring in different parent materials of the study area. These soils occur on flat to gently sloping plains of the region. Clay content is high in the studied sites. The high cation exchange capacity and CEC/clay ratios suggest montmorillonitic and mixed mineralogy. Calcium was the most...

Author(s): Cumhur Aydinalp

March 2010

Evaluation and potential of cocoyam as carbohydrate source in catfish, (Clarias gariepinus [Burchell, 1822]) juvenile diets

  The cost of feeding fish is about 60% of the total recurrent cost of fish farming, hence a need for non-conventional and cheaper ingredients to substitute the expensive ones. Seventy five juvenile of Clarias gariepinus mean weight 9.86 g were randomly stocked at 5 juveniles per tank of dimension 40 × 56  × 31 cm and fed five isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets...

Author(s): Aderolu Ademola Zaid and O. A. Sogbesan

March 2010

Prevalence of gastro-intestinal helminthes and coccidia in indigenous chicken from different agro-climatic zones in Kenya

  A study on the prevalence of gastro-intestinal endoparasites in indigenous chicken was carried out in three regions in Kenya. The objective of the study was to determine the species and their prevalence rates. A total of 710 adult free-ranging local chickens were sampled from six districts, Kakamega (162), Bondo (81), Narok (81), Bomet (150), Turkana (70) and West pokot (166). Qualitative and...

Author(s):   F. B. Kaingu, , A. C. Kibor, R. Shivairo, H. Kutima, T. O. Okeno,  R. Waihenya and A .K. Kahi

March 2010

Monitoring of heavy metals and selected micronutrients in hempseeds from North-western Turkey

  Heavy metal contamination of agricultural soils and subsequent accumulation of these metals in plants is a growing interest. In this work heavy metal and selected micronutrient content (Cd, B, Al, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Zn, Fe, Mn, Pb and Cr) in twenty -one different hempseed samples collected from north - western Turkey was monitored. The quantitative measurements were carried out with inductively - coupled plasma...

Author(s): Kursat Korkmaz , S. Metin Kara, Faruk Ozkutlu, Volkan Gul