African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6913

Table of Content: 26 July, 2018; 13(30)

July 2018

“Climate change perception and adaptation strategy associated with farming techniques in Tamou district wester Niger” farmers

The variability of climate parameters in most of agricultural areas in Niger represents a major risk for farmers. This work is aimed at analyzing farmer’s perception and adaptation to climate change parameters in Tamou district. The study was conducted on seventy three (73) millet farmers from seven villages in Tamou, namely Allambaré, Bani Guiti, Guieme, Tollondi , Moli Haoussa and Welgorou. The sample was...

Author(s): Mamane Baragé, Baragé Moussa and Jacques Comby  

July 2018

Cowpea response to nutrient application in Burkina Faso and Niger

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) is important in semi-arid West Africa. Yields are low due to inadequate water and nutrient availability and other constraints. Grain and fodder yield responses to nutrient application were determined from 21 site-years of research conducted in the Sahel and Sudan Savanna. The incomplete factorial treatment arrangement varied by country but included: Four levels each of P and K in 7.5...

Author(s): Idriss Serme, Nouri Maman, Maman Garba, Abdoul Gonda, Korodjouma Ouattara, and Charles Wortmann  

July 2018

Cultivation of watermelons submitted to water deficit in the experimental area of Brazilian semiarid

The culture of watermelon is mostly responds to technological advancement. The fruit is analyzed in terms of its production and quality. Among the factors involved in its production, irrigation is very important; however it must be well managed. There are phases of the culture that requires greater or lesser amount of water for maximum productivity and high quality. In this context, the present research was conducted to...

Author(s): N. N. Veras, V. L. A. Lima, M. Valnir, J. Suassuna and V. F. Silva  

July 2018

Humic acids and brassinosteroid application effects on pineapple plantlet growth and nutrition during the aclimatization phase

Humic acid and brassinosteroid applications may be an alternative to decrease the pineapple plantlet acclimatization in in vitro cultivation, since promising results have been observed when these substances were independently applied in other propagation methods. In this sense, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of humic acids and brassinosteroid application on 'BRS Vitória'...

Author(s): Paulo Cesar dos Santos, Almy Junior Cordeiro de Carvalho, Mírian Peixoto Soares da Silva, Diego Alves Peçanha, Aurilena de Aviz Silva, Tiago Massi Ferraz and Marta Simone Mendonça Freitas