African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 26 May, 2012; 7(20)

May 2012

The origin of montmorillonite in vertisols from the Southern Serbian Pcinja District

This paper presents research results of the mineral composition of vertisols from Pcinja District in the southern part of the Republic of Serbia. Geological substrates were identified and positioned on the geological map of Serbia, soil profiles (no.1, 4 to 6) were opened and soil samples were taken in order to perform soil analysis. The mineral composition of soil samples was revealed by the X-ray powder...

Author(s): Aleksandar Djordjevic, Sladjana Golubovic, Zorica Tomic, Velimir Aleksic, Natasa Nikolic and Olivera Jovanovic    

May 2012

Effects of different media on the transplantation of Huperzia serrata (Thunb.) Trev.

Wild Huperzia serrata was transplanted to moss, sand, corrosion soil, experimental garden soil, vermiculite mixed with perlite (1:1), and corrosion soil mixed with garden soil (1:1). The highest survival rate (90.0%) was observed in the moss medium, the second highest rate (53.3%) was detected in corrosion soil medium, and the lowest rate was found in garden soil medium. The physiological indices...

Author(s): Rishuang Bao, Peipei Yin, Jiakun Dai, Bin Guo and Yahui Wei    

May 2012

Effect of industrial and agricultural pollutants on the sustainability of Gavkhuni lagoon wetland ecosystem

It is necessary to apply suitable management of water resources because of the increasing trend in pollution. Nowadays, industrial regions are major pollution resources of environment, and as such, management of these regions has an important role to play in pollution combat. Correct and scientific utility of all resources can make the most suitable consumption for us. It is important that humans understand the...

Author(s): Masoud Hekmatpanah, Masoud Nasri and Farshad Soleimani Sardu    

May 2012

Evaluating the possibility of saffron and chamomile mixed culture

Mixed culture is a simultaneous culture of two or more plants in one farm and has many advantages which increase in yield is the most important one of them. This study was conducted to evaluate possibility of chamomile and saffron (Crocus sativus L.) mixed culture during 2008 to 2010 years. Three chamomile kinds (Matricaria chamomilla, Tanacetum parthenium and Anthemis nobilis) at two sowing dates...

Author(s): Mohammadreza Naderi Darbaghshahi, Alireza Banitaba and Babak Bahari    

May 2012

Contents of oxalic acid, nitrate and reduced nitrogen in different parts of beetroot (Beta vulgaris var. conditiva Alef.) at different rates of nitrogen fertilization

Beetroot has many positive effects on human health but can also accumulate considerable amounts of harmful nitrate and oxalate. A two-year open field trial was carried out to evaluate the influence of nitrogen fertilization on the content of different N compounds and oxalate in beetroot. Three nitrogen rates were applied: 0, 75 and 150 kg of N ha-1. Dry matter, oxalate, nitrate N and reduced N were determined in storage...

Author(s): Kristina Ugrinović, Veronika Kmecl, Mirjana Herak Ćustić and Dragan Žnidarčič  

May 2012

The evaluation of biological viability of potato seed tubers grown at different altitudes

Considering the fact that altitude could significantly affect the quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) seeds, biological viability of seed tubers and cultivar Desiree originating from three sites in Serbia, Kotraža (700 ma.s.l.), Sjenica (1300 m a.s.l.) and Golija (1600 m a.s.l.),...

Author(s): Dobrivoj POŠTIĆ, Nebojša MOMIROVIĆ, Zoran BROĆIĆ, Željko DOLIJANOVIĆ and Goran ALEKSIĆ      

May 2012

Marketing price transmission analysis in the Iranian rice market

The goal of this paper is to test whether changes in the marketing margin between the farm and the retail prices can result in an asymmetric relationship between the on farm and the retail prices in the rice market of Iran. By separating the transaction cost variation into two regimes, this paper utilizes a two-type TVECM with the error correction. The empirical results show that when the marketing margin is lower than...

Author(s): Mohammad Chalajour and Yaser Feizabadi    

May 2012

Attitudes of Iranian consumers' towards agricultural organic products (AOP)

The present study investigates attitudes of consumers towards agricultural organic products (AOP) in Iran. A questionnaire was used as the main research instrument to collect data. The result of the study showed that the most important factors influencing the perceptions of consumers about AOP were awareness about disadvantages of pesticides and other chemicals used in the process of agricultural productions. The...

Author(s): Ali Asghar Mirakzadeh, Morteza, Akbari, Fereshteh Ghiasvand Ghiasy, Seyyed Mahmoud Hashemiand Ahmad Rezvanfar    

May 2012

Minimum quality standards or quality-improving subsidies: Which one is the most helpful strategy to coffee growers in Peru?

The market of Peruvian coffee has faced decreasing exports and diminishing prices due to the country lack of generally recognized quality standards, and the best path is to build quality-recognized standards for the coffee growers. In order to analyze this scenario, a model of vertical product differentiation to discuss the influence of two policy tools on the quality of Peruvian coffee was set up....

Author(s): Orly Denisse Calle Roalcaba and Su-Ying Hsu    

May 2012

Analysis of protein by colorimetric and computer color based intensity measurement method with anatomical sections of gram (Cicer arietinum) stem at three stages of growth

This research work is based on the establishment of new and easy techniques for the analysis of total proteins from anatomical sections. The proteins were measured from three different growth stages of stems of gram (Cicer arietinum). Firstly, protein was measured by colorimetric method and then analyzed from the cross sections of the same part of plant, sections were then stained with two different dyes and after that...

Author(s): Shah A. M., Memon M. S., Arain B. A., Ansari A. W. and Memon A. N.    

May 2012

Effect of different carbon sources on the accumulation of carbohydrate, nutrient absorption and the survival rate of Chinese ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) explants in vitro

In this study, we analyzed the effect of different carbon sources on: (i) carbohydrate and nutrient absorption in Chinese Ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) explants in vitro, and (ii) explant survival rate during ex vitroacclimatization. The explants were cultured under one of five conditions: (1) in a solid medium supplemented with 30 g l-1 sucrose (SM); (2) in a modified temporary...

Author(s): Zhengzheng Deng,#, Jianmin Chu#, Qingli Wang and Lihua Wang    

May 2012

Genetic studies on divergence and phenotypic characterization of indigenous and exotic indica germplasm lines in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple cereal food crop and a source of calories for more than half of the world’s population. Genetic diversity in the world rice germplasm is larger but only small collections have been used in breeding programs since a high genetic similarity is found within germplasms around the world. An investigation was carried out at Tamil Nadu Rice Research...

Author(s): A. Mahalingam, R. Saraswathi, J. Ramalingam and T. Jayaraj    

May 2012

Investigation of correlation yield and yield components of 12 spring canola Hybrids in Iranshahr climatic region

In order to survey investigation of correlation yield and yield components of 12 spring canola hybrids in Iranshahr climatic region, an experiment was conducted in Agricultural and Natural Resources of Balouchestan Research Center, during 2009-2010 based on, randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 4 replications. The experiment of 12 spring canola hybrids provided by Karaj Research Institute of improvement and...

Author(s): Mehdi Shahraki, Rasolov Salimbeck, Mohammad Galavi, and Hamidreza Fanee    

May 2012

Grain yield and biomass response of a maize/dry bean intercrop to maize density and dry bean variety

An experiment was conducted under dryland conditions at the University of Limpopo experimental farm at Syferkuil in Capricorn district in 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 growing seasons to determine the effect of maize density and dry bean variety on maize/bean intercrop performance. The trial was at 2×2×2 factorial consisting of eight treatments: two maize densities (24 700 and 37 000 plants/ha), two dry bean...

Author(s): R.L Molatudi and I.K. Mariga    

May 2012

Critical factors of farmers’s participation in kenaf cultivation: Malaysian context

Author(s): Mohd Shahwahid H. O,    (Not Available)