African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 3 July 2012; 7(25)

July 2012

An insight into guinea fowl rearing practices and productivity by guinea fowl keepers in Zimbabwe

  The production practices used to rear seventy-three guinea fowl flocks in a semi-arid zone in north-eastern Zimbabwe were investigated during the period of June to July 2002. Data were generated using participatory research appraisal techniques. Extensive (scavenging) and semi-intensive rearing systems were the two types of rearing systems practiced, with the former accounting for 81% participants. Both...

Author(s): N. T. Kusina, H. Saina, J. F. Kusina and S. Lebel

July 2012

Seasonality of parasitism in free range chickens from a selected ward of a rural district in Zimbabwe

  A study to investigate the intensity of ectoparasites and gastro-intestinal tract worms of chickens in winter and summer was conducted in Ward 28 of Murehwa District in Zimbabwe. Sixty chickens given to local farmers to rear under the free-range system were examined for parasites; 30 in summer of 2009 and the other 30 in winter of 2010. In both seasons, ectoparasites collected were Argas...

Author(s): Jinga Percy, Munosiyei Pias, Bobo Desberia Enetia and Tambura Lucia

July 2012

Analysis of awareness and adaptation to climate change among farmers in the Sahel savanna agro-ecological zone of Borno State, Nigeria

  This study examined the awareness and adaptation to climate change among farmers in the Sahel savanna agro-ecological zone of Borno State, Nigeria. Data for the study were collected from 225 respondents selected through multi-stage sampling technique. Socio-economic profile of the respondents indicated that 48.89% of them were above 45 years of age and majority (78.23%) had educational qualification below...

Author(s): Idrisa, Y. L., Ogunbameru, B. O., Ibrahim, A. A. and Bawa, D. B.

July 2012

The appropriate practices for supplying private extension services as perceived by Iran's extension experts of ministry of agriculture

  Increased efficiency in extension delivery services has been viewed as a prerequisite for agricultural development. One of the policy options to minimize the constraints of the public extension has been the privatization of agricultural extension services. In Iranian context, considering the diverse needs of the commercial farmers and inadequacies of the public extension services for the small farmer, there...

Author(s): Seyyed Mahmood Hosseini, Farhad Lashgararaand Gholamreza Dinpanah

July 2012

Price co-integration analyses of food crop markets: The case of wheat and teff commodities in Northern Ethiopia

  This paper examines the role of market price information dissemination on the co-integration of grain market prices in Northern Ethiopia. Results are based on bi-monthly retail price data on wheat and teff commodities collected from six markets in the Tigray region of Northern Ethiopia. The data has 55 observations for each of the two crops in each of the six markets ranging over a period from May,...

Author(s): Moti Jaleta and Berhanu Gebremedhin

July 2012

An investigation into the factors affecting food availability, choices and nutritional adequacy of smallholder farming households under irrigation and dryland farming in Vhembe district of Limpopo, province, South Africa

  The aim of this study was to investigate the food availability, food choices and nutritional adequacy of household food in the study area. Both primary and secondary data were used in this study. The primary data was collected by using a pre-tested questionnaire administered to selected farmers in the study area and focus group discussion methods. A probability sampling method (that is, pure or...

Author(s): L. L. Maliwichi, S. A. Oni and O. S. Obadire

July 2012

The landuse change detection in Taleghan catchment

  The effects of global warming, climate change and landuse changes on catchment water balance and quality have become the main concerns in the watershed water resources management in recent years. One such area is the Taleghan watershed in the Northwest of Tehran, the Iran’s capital with an area of 930.62 km2. This watershed has undergone excessive landuse changes during the last two decades due to...

Author(s): Majid Hosseini, Abdul Mohammed Ghafouri, Mohd Soom Mohd Amin, Mahmoud Reza Tabatabaeiand Shaban Ali Gholami

July 2012

Determination of optimum seaweed concentration for mushroom cultivation and the ability of mushrooms to absorb iodine

  The optimum concentration of seaweed (Laminaria schinzii) in grass as substrate for cultivation of the Oyster mushroom Pleurotus sajor caju was observed to be 10%. This concentration supported growth of highest numbers and biomass of mushrooms. Concentrations of seaweed above 10% suppressed mushroom growth. No growth occurred above 25%. The Oyster mushrooms absorbed iodine from the growth...

Author(s): Kaaya G. P., Kadhila-Muandingi, P. N., Lotfy, H. R. and Mshigeni, K. E.

July 2012

Effects of water shortage in late season on agronomic traits of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)

  Water deficit in the fall cultivation of Rapeseed occurs in cold and cool temperate regions, usually in the late period of growth, that is, the late spring and early summer. To examine the possibility of dealing with water deficit in the late season, appropriate experimental cultivars of the plant were cultivated in 2008 to 2009 and 2009 to 2010 cropping seasons at Karaj of Iran. An experiment...

Author(s): Shirani Rad, Amir Hosein, Shahsavari, Nasser and Jais, Hasnah Mohd

July 2012

Effect of salinity, salicylic acid, silicium and ascorbic acid on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme activity and fatty acid content of sunflower

  In order to study effects of salinity, salicylic acid, silicium and ascorbic acid on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme activity and fatty acid content of sunflower, a pot culture experiment was conducted under controlled conditions. Sunflower seeds were sown into the pots and irrigated by Hoagland’s solution. Salinity was induced by adding sodium chloride (NaCl) into nutrient solution. In addition,...

Author(s): Elnaz Ebrahimian and Ahmad Bybordi

July 2012

Efficacy of two organic amendments and a nematicide for management of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) of watermelon

  A field experiment was conducted during two consecutive years for the management of root- knot nematode(Meloidogyne incognita) of watermelon with two organic soil amendments poultry refuse (3 and 5 t/ha), mustard oilcake (0.3 and 0.6 t/ha) and a nematicide Furadan 5G 40 kg/ha. Organic amendments were incorporated in the soil 3 weeks before and Furadan 5G on the day of seedling transplanting. PR 3 t/ha...

Author(s): M. I. Faruk, M. M. H. Mustafa and T. K. Dey

July 2012

Evaluation of candidate reference genes for real time quantitative PCR normalization in pear fruit

  In this study, eight candidate reference genes including EF1α, TUB-b2, GAPDH, 18S rRNA, RP-L27P, UBI,ACT and ACT2 were selected to evaluate expression stability in pear fruit of different genotypes, tissues, developmental stages and phytohormone-treatments, using three software approaches: geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper. The results showed...

Author(s):   Tao Wu, Ruiping Zhang, Chao Gu, Juyou Wu, Hongjian Wan, Shujun Zhang and Shaoling Zhang

July 2012

Chloroplast DNA genetic diversity between Asian cultivated rice (Oryza Sativa L.) and different types of cytoplasmic male sterile rice

  The chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) genetic diversity in Oryza sativa and different types of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) lines was elucidated by comparing the polymorphic sites in nine highly variable regions. A total of 151 polymorphic bases were detected among 29 materials; of which 131 bases were identified...

Author(s): Wen-Jia Li#, Gong-Ping Kang#, Bin Zhang, Guang-wen Huang and Liang-Bi Chen

July 2012

In vitro induction of tetraploids from immature embryos through colchicine treatments in Clivia miniata Regel

  The immature embryos of Clivia miniata Regel. cv. Ranchang were in vitro induced with 0.00, 0.01, 0.03 and 0.05% colchicine treatment for 10, 20 and 30 d, respectively on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2.0 mg L-1 a-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 1.5 mg L-1 6-Benzylaminopurine (BA). A total of 14 tetraploids were obtained with an average induction...

Author(s): Chong Wang and Jiajun Lei

July 2012

Association of 15 candidate genes with meat quality traits in Czech Large White pigs

  Meat quality traits are a crucial factor in efficient pork production. In this work, we studied the influence of fifteen genes (MC4R, LPIN1, SERCA1, H-FABP, TNNI2, LCAT, HMGCR, FTO, SERPINE1, PLIN1, EDG4,CSRP3, PRKAG3, CTSZ and TCF7L2) on important meat quality parameters: intramuscular fat, cholesterol level, fatty acid composition...

Author(s): P. Chalupová, T. Sedláčková, K. Kaplanová, F. Weisz, M. Bryndová, Z. Vykoukalová, M. Jůzl, H. Šulcerová, T. Gregor, T. Urban, P. Sláma and A. Knoll,

July 2012

Cattle production system in pastoral areas of Hadiya zone, Southern Ethiopia

  With the main aim of scrutinizing cattle production system in pastoral areas of Hadiya zone, Ethiopia, this paper characterises the system by explaining the purpose of production, breed and breeding methods, feed and watering system, purpose of marketing, mortality and commercial off take to the nearby markets. Both secondary and primary data were employed. Face to face interviews took place in the two...

Author(s): Misginaw Tamirat and Ayalneh Bogale

July 2012

Growth, blood metabolites and hormones in calves fed diets with different amounts of energy and protein during the pre- or post-weaning periods

  We investigated the effects of diets differing in energy and protein concentrations given during pre- and post-weaning on hormone and metabolite levels in association to parameters of growth. Sixteen Aberdeen Angus calves four-day-old were allocated in individual pens during 105 days in a randomized complete design. Animals consumed ad libitum various diets differing in proportion of energy and...

Author(s):   Fernández H. T., Busso C. A., Laborde H. E., Torrea M. B., Fernández L. M., López G. H., Delucchi F. and García B. N.