African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: April, 2020; 15(4)

April 2020

Integrated management of Meloidogyne incognita in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) through botanical and intercropping

Root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, is the major limiting factor in tomato production in many regions of the world, including Ethiopia. Hence, there is a need for development of root-knot nematode management methods that are cheap and environmentally friendly. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with an objective to evaluate the integrated effect of botanicals and intercropping against M. incognita on tomato....

Author(s): Seman Abrar, Awol Seid and Mashilla Dejene  

April 2020

Vertical versus horizontal expansion of food security crops in Sudan: A causality analysis of 1961-2017

This research used FAO statistical data to test the causality between production, area and yield for Sudan’s three major food crops; sorghum, wheat and millet. Results indicated a sizable gap in yield between Sudan and some selected top producing countries for the selected crops. Two-way causality was observed from production to area and vice versa for sorghum crops, accentuating horizontal expansion, while the...

Author(s): Nagat Ahmed Elmulthum, Amal Saeed Abass and Abda Abdalla Emam  

April 2020

Assessment of physicochemical properties of Besease wetland soils, Ghana

The shallow and erodible soils of low fertility uplands have led to farmers extending their cultivable areas to wetlands for optimal crop production since these systems have the potential for exploitation in the dry season. To ensure its sustainable use, the physicochemical and the hydrological characteristics of the valley bottom should be ascertained. Studies were conducted to assess the suitability of wetlands for...

Author(s): Thomas Atta-Darkwa, Samuel Kwasi Asomaning, Alex Amerh Agbeshie, Eric Oppong Danso Gilbert Ayine Akolgo, Emmanuel Amankwah and Prosper Achaw Owusu  

April 2020

New microchondrometer to measure hectoliter weight in small samples of wheat

The hectoliter weight or test weight is an important wheat quality parameter for international trade and is traditionally evaluated on devices with a volume of 250, 500, 1000 or 1100 ml. At the experimental level, especially in crop improvement and in greenhouse studies, the amount of grain is often insufficient to determine hectoliter weight. The present work aimed to evaluate the feasibility of using a new 15.30 ml...

Author(s): Lauro Akio Okuyama, Paulo Henrique Caramori and Man Mohan Kohli  

April 2020

Lime requirements for bean production on two contrasting soils of Lake Victoria Crescent agro-ecological zone

In East Africa, research has indicated that N, P and soil acidity are the major production constraints to common bean production. The optimum pH for bean production in tropical soils ranges from 5.8 to 6.5. But in Uganda, 23% of beans are grown in soils with pH below 5.0. Research conducted on common bean production is mainly about the major nutrients and information about lime requirements to address soil acidity in...

Author(s): P. Kyomuhendo, M. M. Tenywa, O. Semalulu, A. Lenssen, R. Yost, R. Mazur and S. Kyebogola

April 2020

The response of pigs to diets containing varying levels of cocoa placenta meal (CPM) supplemented with an exogenous enzyme complex

A nineteen-week experiment was conducted to establish the effects of an enzyme supplementation on growth performance, economics of production, carcass components and blood profile of pigs fed diets containing different levels of cocoa placenta meal (CPM). Twenty-five Large White grower pigs with mean initial live weight of 15.4 kg were randomly allocated to five treatments: T1 (0% CPM), T2 (5% CPM), T3 (10% CPM), T4...

Author(s): John Dafaar Damsere, Michael Boateng, Kwame Owusu Amoah, Yaw Oppong Frimpong and Daniel Boye Okai  

April 2020

Initiation of callus from different genotypes of Sorghum bicolor L. Moench

The study aimed to examine three genotypes of sorghum for their response in tissue culture using Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with auxins (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D), naphthalene acetic acid (NAA)) and cytokinins (Kinetin, 6-benzyle amino purine (BAP)) at different concentrations. The cultures were initiated from different explants (seed, embryo and hypocotyl). The response of explants...

Author(s): Zeinab Kanani and Sayadat El Tigani Mohammed