African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: December, 2019; 14(35)

December 2019

Molecular characterization of some brinjal genotypes (Solanum melongena L) using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers

To analyze genetic variability of 48 brinjal genotypes by Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers, four primers named smSSR01, smSSR03, smSSR11 and smSSR14 were selected for analyze the data. Four primers generated clear bands and a total of 44 alleles were detected among the 48 brinjal genotypes (9.0 to 14.0 alleles per locus with a mean of 11.0 alleles per locus). According to Nei’s (1973), the highest level of...

Author(s): Farid Ahmed, Md. Golam Rabbani, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Mostafezur Rahman, Md. Abdul Malek, Mirza Mofazzal Islam and Reza Mohammad Emon  

December 2019

Milk production, marketing practices and qualities along milk supply chains of Haramaya District, Ethiopia

A study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the physicochemical properties and microbial qualities of raw cow’s milk along the milk supply chain in Haramaya district. A total of 123 smallholder dairy producers, one dairy cooperative, 3 milk collectors, 6 milk retailers, 8 selling points and 18 consumers were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Sixty raw milk samples were used for...

Author(s): Mitiku Eshetu, Mekdes Seyoum and Yesihak Yusuf Mummed  

December 2019

Evaluation of cocoa mirid (Distantiella theobroma Dist. and Sahlbergella singularis Hagl.) control practices in Côte d’Ivoire

Rapid pod damage evaluations were performed in four cocoa producing regions in Côte d’Ivoire to assess the severity and regional variability of the mirid pest problem. We further tested the impact of three insecticide products at two different dosages, applied at two different periods on cocoa pod production and mirid infestation on sixty cocoa farms. It was found that in Côte d’Ivoire, cocoa...

Author(s): Wouter Vanhove, Luc Affoli N’Guessan Toussaint, Alexandre Kaminski and Patrick Van Damme,  

December 2019

Appropriate fertilizer (NPK) rates for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) production in the humid forest agro-ecological zone of Cameroon

The objective of this study was to test for appropriate quantity of fertilizer (NPK 12-11-18) required to boost the production of cassava (variety TME 419) in the forest zone of Cameroon. The trial was conducted at the experimental farm of the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) in Mbalmayo. The experimental design was completely randomized block design in three replicates. The treatments were as...


December 2019

Effects of fungicide treatments against Anthracnose in Calabrian (southern Italy) Olive Orchards during 2014-2015

In recent years, severe natural olive anthracnose infections have been observed in orchards of Southern and Central Italy, favoured by mild and rainy seasonal trends, making disease control with the sole use of copper fungicides difficult. Besides, European restrictions in the use of copper compounds for eco-toxicological aspects have forced researchers towards the use of available plant protection products. Thus, 2...

Author(s): Veronica Vizzarri, Francesco Zaffina, Massimiliano Pellegrino, Tiziana Belfiore and Laura Tosi  

December 2019

Effects of probiotic-treated rice straw on blood parameters and gut microbes of heifers

The study investigated the effects of probiotic treatment on nutrient content of rice straw and its impact on blood parameters and gut microbes of heifers. Eight Holstein crossbred heifers with initial average body weight (BW) of 180.25±21 kg were used in this study. The experimental period lasted for 33 days of feeding, of which 5 days were adjustment period. The treatments included feeding of untreated rice...

Author(s): Abu Sadeque Md. Selim, Mahbub Sobhan, Mueena Jahan, Md. Morshedur Rahman, Md. Kaosar Niaz Bin Sufian and Shilpi Islam  

December 2019

Indigenous rhizobia strains: The silver bullet for enhanced biological nitrogen fixation and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. ) yield under different soil conditions in South Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo

Soybean is an important crop in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country faced with high levels of war induced malnutrition but its productivity is limited by poor soil fertility coupled with low access to nitrogen mineral fertilizers. Commercial rhizobia strains introduced in 2010 failed to adapt and increase soybeans yields at desired level. We studied the performance of six indigenous rhizobia strains in enhancing...

Author(s): Ndusha Bintu Nabintu, Onwonga Richard Ndemo, Nabahungu Leon Sharwasi, Mushagalusa Nachigera Gustave, Matendo Rehema Esther and Keya Shellemia Okoth

December 2019

An analysis of socioeconomic factors affecting avocado production in saline and flooded areas around Lake Victoria Basin of Western Kenya

Avocado (Persia americana) a very important crop worldwide nutritionally and economically. In Kenya avocado does not thrive well in soils with high salinity, flooded or waterlogged areas. Survey was conducted around Lake Victoria Basin in Kenya to establish socioeconomic factors and flooding that affects its production. A sample of 400 households was interviewed using structured questionnaire, focus group discussions...

Author(s): Ouma George, George Duncan Odhiambo, Samuel Wagai and Johnson Kwach  

December 2019

Suitability of biosolids from university sewage ponds as a substrate for crop production

Currently, sewage waste management is a serious environmental problem and one of the major growing concerns for urban areas all over the world. Utilization of biosolids (BS) for crop production may be a sustainable waste management strategy. The present study evaluated the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of biosolids from sewage ponds at Egerton University, Kenya. This was to determine its suitability...

Author(s): Peter Caleb Otieno, Samuel Nyalala and Joseph Wolukau  

December 2019

Behavior of nursing Apis mellifera after application of entomopathogenic fungi to control Varroa destructor

To study the possible use of fungi to control Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman, a parasitic mite of Apis mellifera L., without effects on its pollinator’s behavior, the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) were applied at 30ºC in the dark, at 108 conidia/mL, a concentration known previously for its pathogenicity on V. destructor. Both...

Author(s): Jaime E. Araya, Josefina Mas and Francisco Zuazúa  

December 2019

The performance of selected commercial organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of bush beans in Central Uganda

To assess the quality of commercial organic fertilizers in Uganda market, a quick survey was conducted to establish the organic fertilizers being sold in Container village market in Kampala Capital City.   Different products were found being sold as organic fertilizers. Four of these fertilizers are two solid (Biochar and Fertiplus) and two liquid (Biogrow and Digrow) selected for a field study.  Field...

Author(s): Tugume Esau, Byalebeka John and Mwine Julius  

December 2019

The role of soil nutrient ratios in coffee quality: Their influence on bean size and cup quality in the natural coffee forest ecosystems of Ethiopia

Nutrients are essential for plant growth and development, and soil nutrient ratios play key roles in coffee quality. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of soil nutrient ratios on the quality of wild Arabica coffee in Ethiopia. Results revealed that the balance between the soil nutrients was well correlated with coffee quality attributes. The balance between magnesium and calcium (Mg:Ca) and the...

Author(s): Abebe Yadessa,, Juergen Burkhardt, Endashaw Bekele, Kitessa Hundera and Heiner Goldbach  

December 2019

Livelihood diversification and it’s determinants on rice farming households in Ogun State, Nigeria.

This study assesses the nexus between livelihood diversification, technology adoption and food security status among rice farm households in the Ogun State. A multistage sampling technique was used to select two Agricultural Development Programme zones (Ikenne and Abeokuta zones) in the state. Purposive selection of two blocks per zone based on the concentration of rice farmers was done. Six farming cells were randomly...

Author(s): O. J. Afodu, C. A. Afolami, O. E. Akinboye, L. C. Ndubuisi-Ogbonna, T. A. Ayo-Bello, B. A. Shobo and D. M. Ogunnowo  

December 2019

Effects of bio-stimulants on the yield of cucumber fruits and on nutrient content

The aim of the experiment was to assess the effect of bio-stimulants of different composition (Asahi SL - based on three nitrophenol compounds, naturally occurring in plants, as active ingredients; Optisil – mineral growth stimulant containing 24 g L-1 of Fe and 200 g L-1 of SiO2; Kelpak SL – manufactured from Ecklonia maxima and containing auxins and cytokinins) on the content of macronutrients and...

Author(s): Maria Ługowska  

December 2019

Community based participatory forest resources management practices in Chilimo forest, Dendi District, West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

This research has made an endeavor to analyze the practices of community based participatory forest management and its impacts on the incomes of the forest user groups and the forest cover of Chilimo forest, Dendi District, Ethiopia. 380 households were selected from seven peasant association proportionally and simple random sampling was adopted to choose the sample households from each peasant association. Both...

Author(s): Dereje Mengist and Mulugeta Alemu  

December 2019

Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and genotype main effect and genotype by environment interaction (GGE) biplot analysis of large white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes across environments in Ethiopia

Undertaking a multi-environment trial prior to releasing a high yielding and stable varieties for a specific environment is a major step in plant breeding. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the effect of Genotype × Environment Interaction (GEI) and evaluate the adaptability and stability of sixteen large white common bean genotypes. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and...

Author(s): Abel Moges Firew, Berhanu Amsalu and Dagmawit Tsegaye  

December 2019

Consumers’ awareness of the presence of pathogenic bacteria and pesticide residues on tomatoes sold in Nairobi

Tomato consumed worldwide for its vitamins and bioactive elements can harbor postharvest bacteria and pesticide residues. A cross-sectional survey using a semi-structured questionnaire was done in 101 households in Kangemi assessing consumers’ awareness on pesticide residues and bacterial presence on tomatoes sold in Nairobi. Questionnaire was administered in Kangemi during weekends, systematic random sampling was...

Author(s): J. H. Nguetti, J. K. Imungi, M. W. Okoth, E. S. Mitema, W. F. Mbacham and J. Wang’ombe  

December 2019

Effect of vermicompost on growth, quality and economic return of garlic (Allium sativum L.) at Haramaya District, Eastern Ethiopia

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is an important vegetable crop in Ethiopia. The yield of the crop is often constrained by low and unbalanced nutrient supply in the soil. This study was undertaken to assess effect of vermicompost (VC) on growth, quality and economic return of garlic variety Chelenko I during 2016 main rainy season in Haramaya University main campus, Ethiopia. The treatment consisted of four levels of...

Author(s): Fikru Tamiru Kenea and Fikreyohannes Gedamu