African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: March, 2020; 15(3)

March 2020

Interaction effect between Meloidogyne incognita and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici on selected tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes

Development of diseases in cultivated crops depends on the complex inter-relationship between host, pathogen and prevailing environmental conditions. The significant role of nematodes in the development of nematode–fungus interaction is demonstrated in many crops throughout the world. However, there is scanty research information in Ethiopia. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were to: (i) investigate...

Author(s): Yitayih Gedefaw Kassie,  Awol Seid Ebrahim and  Mohamed Yesuf Mohamed  

March 2020

Effective policies to mitigate food waste in Qatar

This paper highlighted food waste as one of the biggest threats to food security that put pressure on the natural resources and limit the ecological capacity of land of Qatar to continue providing renewable resources. Climate change, desertification of farmland, water shortages, soil degradation and arable land per capita decline are the main characteristics of the state of Qatar. This arid and semi-arid environment...

Author(s): Sana Abusin, Noora Lari, Salma Khaled and Noor Al Emadi  

March 2020

Technical efficiency and its determinants in sugarcane production among smallholder sugarcane farmers in Malava sub-county, Kenya

The aim of the study was to determine the farm level technical efficiency and its determinants among smallholder sugarcane farmers in Malava Sub-county, Western Kenya. Primary data were collected using questionnaires from a sample of 384 farmers through systematic random sampling.  The study applied stochastic frontier analysis and Tobit regression analysis using computer software STATA. The results found that...

Author(s): Francis Lekololi Ambetsa, Samuel Chege Mwangi and Samuel Njiri Ndirangu  

March 2020

Production of banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)-free plantain plants by in vitro culture

Banana Bunchy Top Disease (BBTD) caused by the Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) is one of the most important banana diseases in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This study focused on the production of BBTV-free plantain seedlings from infected banana plants. A total of 10 suckers from the French plantain Litete (Musa AAB) and the False Horn plantain Libanga Likale (Musa AAB) with advanced BBTD symptoms were collected....

Author(s): N. B. J. Tchatchambe, N. Ibanda, G. Adheka, O. Onautshu, R. Swennen, and D. Dhed’a  

March 2020

Influence of supplementary hoe weeding on the efficacy of ButaForce for lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) weed management

Field experiments to determine the influence of supplementary hoe weeding on the efficacy of ButaForce (N-(butoxymethyl)-2-chloro-N-2,6-dimethyl acetanilide) for low land rice (Oryza sativa L.) weed management was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture Teaching and Research Farm of the University of Port Harcourt during the early cropping seasons of 2018 and 2019. Seven treatments were used for the experiment...

Author(s): Omovbude S., Kayii S. A., Ukoji S. O., Udensi U. E.  and Nengi –Benwari A. O.  

March 2020

Selection efficiency of yield based drought tolerance indices to identify superior sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] genotypes under two-contrasting environments

Drought is the most significant environmental calamity on sorghum in Ethiopia and hence improving yield under drought is a major goal of plant breeding. This study was designed to introgress drought tolerant genes into adapted varieties through marker-assisted backcrossing and select based on tolerance indices. Sixty-one backcrossed lines and along with their nine parental lines were evaluated under full-irrigation and...

Author(s): Teklay Abebe, , Gurja Belay#, Taye Tadesse and Gemechu Keneni  

March 2020

Influence of clam shells and Tithonia diversifolia powder on growth of plantain PIF seedlings (var. French) and their sensitivity to Mycosphaerella fijiensis

Plantain prices in sub-Saharan markets are very high due to the fact that the supply does not cover the large demand. The main constraint of plantain cultivation is the seedlings unavailability in quantity and quality, which is essential to boost the creation of new plantations. The PIF technique could solve this problem if its substrate of production is amended with natural products for quality enhancement. This study...

Author(s): Cécile Annie Ewané, Ange Milawé Chimbé, Felix Ndongo Essoké and Thaddée Boudjeko,  

March 2020

Response of pepper leaves epidermal cell under ozone stress to ascorbic acid treatment

The present investigation studied the effectiveness of ozone (O3) concentrations on epidermal cells of pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) leaves and its response to ascorbic acid (AS). The plants were grown at two sites in Riyadh, King Saud University (KSU) Campus, and the second industrial city (SIC) under an average of 42.33 and 138.66 ppb of O3. Two groups grown at KSU site as a control; one of them was treated with tap...

Author(s): Abdulaziz A. Alsahli, Mohamed El-Zaidy, Abdullah R. Doaigey and Ahlam Al- Watban  

March 2020

Genetic gain of maize (Zea mays L.) varieties in Ethiopia over 42 years (1973 - 2015)

Currently under production, thirty-eight Ethiopian maize varieties released majorly for three agro-climatic zones over the past thirty-nine, twenty-nine and twelve years for the high altitudes, mid–altitudes and low altitudes, respectively, were conducted at three different research center’s field trials, using randomized complete block design with three replications in 2015 main cropping season to estimate...

Author(s): Michael Kebede, Firew Mekbib, Demissew Abakemal and Gezahegne Bogale  

March 2020

Agricultural technology adoption and its impact on smallholder farmer’s welfare in Ethiopia

Agricultural production and productivity play a paramount role in the livelihood of rural farm households. Agricultural technology affects agricultural productivity and the welfare of rural farm households. However, there is a gap in knowledge on the effect of different technology adoptions on farm household’s welfare. This study examined the effect of improved wheat variety adoption on household’s welfare...

Author(s): Workineh Ayenew, Tayech Lakew and Ehite Haile Kristos  

March 2020

Improvement of growth performance and meat sensory attributes through use of dried goat rumen contents in broiler diets

The study investigated the use of dried goat rumen contents (DGRC) on growth performance of broiler chickens. Rumen contents were obtained from goats immediately after slaughter during the wet season, sundried, milled and incorporated in experimental diets at levels of 0, 5 and 10%. The 0% DGRC diet was the control. The experimental diets were formulated on iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous principles in line with the...

Author(s): Mwesigwa Robert, , Migwi Perminus Karubiu, King’ori Anthony Macharia, Onjoro Paul Anthans, Odero-Waitiuh Jane Atieno, Xiangyu He and Zhu Weiyun  

March 2020

Multivariate analysis in the evaluation of sustrate quality and containers in the production of Arabica coffee seedlings

Coffee growing is recognized as an activity of great economic and social importance for Brazil. Obtaining good quality coffee seedlings is a major factor in the implantation of a productive and lasting crop. In view of the aforementioned, the objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of Arabica coffee seedlings produced with different substrates in different containers with multivariate analysis techniques....

Author(s): Mario Euclides Pechara da Costa Jaeggi, Richardson Sales Rocha, Israel Martins Pereira, Derivaldo Pureza da Cruz, Josimar Nogueira Batista, Rita de Kássia Guarnier da Silva, Magno do Carmo Parajara, Samuel Ferreira da Silva, André Oliveira Souza, Rogério Rangel Rodrigues, Wagner Bastos dos Santos Oliveira, Abel Souza da Fonseca, Tâmara Rebecca Albuquerque de Oliveira, Geraldo de Amaral Gravina and Wallace Luís de Lima  

March 2020

Effect of time of Azolla incorporation and inorganic fertilizer application on growth and yield of Basmati rice

Azolla tissue contains 5% N, which is slowly released into the soil upon decomposition. Timing of incorporation is therefore important for maximum benefit to a crop. The effect of time to incorporate Azolla biomass on growth and yield of rice was investigated in Mwea-Kenya. Treatments consisted of 7.5 t ha-1 Azolla biomass applied at transplanting, 7.5 t ha-1 Azolla applied at 21 days after transplanting (DAT) and 30 kg...

Author(s): W. A. Oyange, G. N. Chemining’wa, J. I. Kanya and P. N. Njiruh

March 2020

Ultraviolet B radiation affects growth, physiology and fiber quality of cotton

The effects of artificial biologically effective UV-B radiation on a range of growth and physiological parameters in two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars (Romanos and Allegria) were recorded. Three levels of biologically effective UV-B were used: (1) zero (2) ambient and (3) elevated (determined as that associated with a notional 15% depletion of stratospheric ozone). Plants were grown under artificial light in...

Author(s): Demetrius Zouzoulas, Emmanuel Vardavakis, Spyridon D. Koutroubas, Andreas Kazantzidis and Vasileios Salamalikis  

March 2020

Contribution of parkland agroforestry in supplying fuel wood and its main challenges in Tigray, Northern, Ethiopia

Agroforestry is an aged practice in the Ethiopian farming systems of which parkland trees comprise the large part of agricultural landscapes. It is also the most dominant agroforestry practice in the semi-arid and sub-humid zones of Ethiopia. However, there is lack of research based evidence that shows the contribution of parkland agroforestry on fulfilling households’ fuel wood demand and towards improving the...

Author(s): Kahsay Aregawi Hagos