How to cite this article
Bastola, A., Karki, T., Marahatta, S., & Amgain, L. P. (2021). Growth, phenology, yield and yield attributes of rice as influenced by tillage, residue and nitrogen management practice in Chitwan, Nepal. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 17(1), 128-136.
Chicago /
Arjun Bastola, Tika Karki, Santosh Marahatta and Lal Prasad Amgain
. "Growth, phenology, yield and yield attributes of rice as influenced by tillage, residue and nitrogen management practice in Chitwan, Nepal." African Journal of Agricultural Research 17, no. 1 (2021): 128-136.
Arjun Bastola, et al. "Growth, phenology, yield and yield attributes of rice as influenced by tillage, residue and nitrogen management practice in Chitwan, Nepal." African Journal of Agricultural Research 17.1 (2021): 128-136.