How to cite this article
de Resende Júnior, J. C., de Camargo, R., Lana, R. M. Q., Filho, A. A., & Matos, A. L. A.
(2016). The effects of sewage sludge, mineral and organic fertilizers on initial growth of Urochloa brizantha cv Marandu (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R.D Webster. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11(36), 3460-3470.
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Joaquim Caros de Resende J&unior, Reginaldo de Camargo, Regina Maria Quintão
Lana, Amilton Alves Filho and Ana Luisa Alves Matos. "The effects of sewage sludge, mineral and organic fertilizers on initial growth of Urochloa brizantha cv Marandu (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R.D Webster." African Journal of Agricultural Research 11, no. 36 (2016): 3460-3470.
Joaquim Caros de Resende Juacute;nior, et al. "The effects of sewage sludge, mineral and organic fertilizers on initial growth of Urochloa brizantha cv Marandu (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R.D Webster." African Journal of Agricultural Research 11.36 (2016): 3460-3470.