Full Length Research Paper
Among the fungal diseases infecting tomato crops, early blight caused by Alternaria solani (Ellis and Martin) Jones and Grout is one of the most catastrophic disease causing accountable losses. Further, all of the tomato cultivars presently under cultivation have succumb more or less to early blight disease. Therefore, the present studies were undertaken for the pathogenic, cultural, morphological and molecular variability among the isolates of A. solani. The results reveal all of the eight isolates of A. solani as pathogenic to tomato (Cv. Pusa Ruby) and showed variability amongst them. The test isolates could grow better on the basic culture medium potato dextrose agar; however, highest mycelial growth was recorded on the isolate AsLt (88.50 mm), followed by AsBd (82.36 mm) and AsHl (78.40 mm), with excellent sporulation. All of the eight test isolates exhibited a wide range of variability in respect of their mycelial and conidial dimensions and septation. RAPD-PCR analysis of the four most virulent A. solani isolates, using 13 OPA primers revealed that the isolates AsBd (Beed) and AsLt (Latur) were closely related with 85% genetic similarity whereas, the isolates AsHl (Hingoli) and AsJl (Jalna) were closely related with 50% genetic similarity, but distinct from that of AsLt and AsBd isolates.
Key words: Tomato, Alternaria solani, isolates, pathogenic, molecular variability, virulent, primers.
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