Full Length Research Paper
The results obtained in the study of the effects of different protein sources in diet on fattening parameters, yield and quality of meat from weaned lambs are presented in this study. Experiment was conducted on 60 lambs of MIS population, weaned at the age of 60 days and divided into three groups. The effect of use of three concentrate mixtures which differed in regard to protein source: sunflower meal (I), soybean meal (II) and fish meal (III), was studied. Average daily gain of lambs on treatments I, II and III was: 0.169, 0.205 and 0.227 kg. Conversion of dry matter (kg/kg gain) on analogue treatments was: 4.54, 3.71 and 3.30; of energy (MJ NEM/kg): 33.77, 29.37 and 26.25; of total proteins (g/kg): 732, 596 and 549; of PDIN (g/kg): 502, 414 and 381; of PDIE (g/kg): 480, 425 and 396. Values of the yield of warm carcass with offal according to treatments I, II and III were: 58.70, 58.02 and 57.42%. Share of I category meat on analogue treatments was: 37.27, 37.35 and 37.51%, meat of II category: 33.9, 32.67 and 32.83%, whereas meat of III category was present in the following percentages 27.78, 29.59 and 29.10%. Surface of MLD in lambs on treatments I, II and III was: 11.47, 13.09 and 13.86 cm2. With regards to chemical and technological parameters of MLD, as well as morphological composition of carcass side, no significant difference between investigated treatments were established (P>0.05).
Key words: Lambs, protein source, gain, yield, meat quality.
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