African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 24 October 2011; 10(65)

October 2011

The application of plant biotechnology for non-food uses: The case of China

Applications of plant biotechnology play increasingly important role in solving food and energy crisis. As the world’s largest country by population, China pays special attention to the development of agricultural biotechnology and biomass energy technology. Several excellent review articles have introduced the research progress of China’s crop biotech and bioenergy. However, plant biotechnology in China has...

Author(s): Yanbo Hu and Guangyu Sun

October 2011

Research advances in dry anaerobic digestion process of solid organic wastes

The dry anaerobic digestion process is an innovative waste-recycling method to treat high-solid-content bio-wastes. This can be done without dilution with water by microbial consortia in an oxygen-free environment to recover potential renewable energy and nutrient-rich fertilizer for sustainable solid waste management. It generally takes place at solid concentrations higher than 10% and enables a higher volumetric...

Author(s): Ajay Kumar Jha, Jianzheng Li, Loring Nies and Liguo Zhang

October 2011

Analysis of gene expression by promoter reporter constructs and knockout plants: A case study under phosphorus stress

Promoter reporter constructs were developed using Gateway Cloning Technology for plant non-specific lipid transport proteins (nsLTP1, AT4g12545 and nsLTP2, AT5g46900), MADS-Box (AT4g37940) and leucine rich repeat (LRR, AT2g28970)genes. The purpose of the construct was to investigate gene expression and function under phosphorus (P) stress. Agrobacterium tumefaciens was used to...

Author(s): Kefyalew Negisho, Tesfaye Balemi and Belayneh Admassu

October 2011

Genetic characterization of two traditional leafy vegetables (Sesamum radiatum Thonn. ex Hornem and Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl.) of Benin, using flow cytometry and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers and flow cytometry were applied for the genetic characterization of wild and cultivated accessions ofSesamum radiatum and Cerathoteca sesamoides; two neglected and underutilizedspecies of traditional leafy vegetable consumed in Benin. The average 2C nuclear DNA content per nucleus was found to be 1.99 ± 0.06 and 1.05 ± 0.06 pg...

Author(s): Adéoti, K., Rival, A., Dansi, A., Santoni, S., Brown, S., Beule, T., Nato,A., Henry, Y., R. Vodouhe, Loko, L. Y. and Sanni, A.

October 2011

Cloning and expression of the recombinant NP24I protein from tomato fruit and study of its antimicrobial activity

Thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs) constitutes a homogeneous family, members of which are produced by plants in response to different kinds of stress. NP24 protein is one of such salt-induced protein from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and it belongs to TLPs family. NP24 is a 24 kDa (207 amino acid) antimicrobial TLP found in tomato fruits. One isoform (NP24I) of NP24 was discovered in the outer pericarp of tomato fruit...

Author(s): Mervat S. Mohamed, Walid Abu El-Soud and Magda F. Mohamed

October 2011

Epidemiological survey and phylogenetic analysis of Paragonimus westermani isolates in Jinhua, China

Paragonimiasis has previously been reported in many zones of China, which is the infestation of the trematode genus Paragonimus. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and epidemiology of paragonimiasis in Jinhua which is next to Fujian, China. The differences of Paragonimus westmani isolates from Jinhua and other areas of the world were also analyzed. Freshwater crabs and snails...

Author(s): Lou, H. Q., Hu, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y. J., Tu, P. G., Yu, X. T., Jin, Y. J. and Wang, L.

October 2011

Molecular analysis of quality protein (QPM) and normal maize varieties from the DR-Congo breeding program

In recent years, the use of quality protein maize (QPM) with the objective of improving the nutritional value of maize grain protein has been the focus of several African breeding programs. Knowledge of genetic variation among QPM and normal maize varieties is important for an efficient selection and development of new varieties.The main objective of this study was to assess the level of genetic variation and...

Author(s): K. K. Nkongolo, K. Mbuya, M. Mehes-Smith, and A. Kalonji-Mbuyi,

October 2011

Isolation of Arachis hypogaea Na+/H+ antiporter and its expression analysis under salt stress

The plant Na+/H+ antiporter gene plays a major role in salt tolerance. One Na+/H+antiporter (AhNHX1) gene was isolated from peanut (Arachis hypogaea) in the present work. The full-length cDNA of AhNHX1 was 2,331 bp, which contains a complete ORF of 1,620 bp. The deduced protein sequence contains 546 amino acids with a molecular mass of 58.8 KDa and a pI of 7.23. The amino acid sequence of...

Author(s): Jinyi Xing, Baozhi Wang, Kunhang Jia, Shubo Wan, Jingjing Meng, Feng Guo, and Xinguo Li,

October 2011

Genetic stability among date palm plantlets regenerated from petiole explants

The regeneration capacity between the shoot tip and petiole explants that excised from two date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cutivar namely Unknown and Ferhi was compared. It was noted that the shoot tip explants started to swill after several subculture when placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 100 mg l-1 2, 4-D, 3 mg l-16-Benzyladenine (BA) and 3 g l-1 activated...

Author(s): Reda E.A. Moghaieb, Abdel-Hadi A. Abdel-Hadi and Mohamed Reda A. Ahmed

October 2011

The days anthesis in relation to the floral shapes, pollen size, and S-RNase gene identifying in self-incompatibility of wild species

Flowering time of tomato (Solanum.chilense) which is a self-incompatibility wild species flowers was determined using a series of landmark days. We established a correlation between the floral shapes and the days before anthesis. The model of tomato flower development schedule was then used to analyze the size of bud, anther, style, and the pollen scanning electron microscope...

Author(s): Panfeng Zhao, Lingxia Zhao, Qian Sheng, Shanshuang Li, and  Huizheng Peng

October 2011

Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of VP6 gene of giant panda rotavirus strain CH-1

Rotavirus (family Reoviridae) is the leading cause of severe gastroenteritis in human and animals worldwide. The genome of rotavirus comprises of 11 segments of dsRNA and encodes six structural proteins (VP1 to VP4, VP6 and VP7) and six non structural proteins (NSP1 to NSP6). VP6 is a group of antigen of rotavirus (according to the disparation of VP6, rotavirus is classified into seven groups: A to G), and the...

Author(s): Yan Lei,#, Shi-Jie Chen#, Cheng-Dong Wang#, Zhi-He Zhang, Cheng-Dong Wang#, Wan-Zhu Guo, Xu Wang And Ling Guo And Qi-Gui Yan,   #These authors contributed equally to this work.

October 2011

Non liquid nitrogen-based-method for isolation of DNA from filamentous fungi

A simple, efficient, reliable and cost-effective method for isolation of total genomic DNA from fungi, suitable for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and other molecular applications was described. The main advantages of the method are: (1) does not require the use of liquid nitrogen for preparation of fungi DNA; (2) the mycelium is directly recovered from Petri-dish cultures; (3) the quality and quantity of...

Author(s): Osama E. Amer, Mohamed. A. Mahmoud, AbdEl-Rahim M. A. El-Samawaty, and Shaban R. M. Sayed

October 2011

Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against small hapten-ciprofloxacin

High affinity and specificity monoclonal antibody against small hapten-ciprofloxaicn (CPFX) was produced and was used for rapid CPFX immunoassay in food stuffs of animal origin. Firstly, two kinds of antigens for CPFX were made using carrier proteins, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and ovalbumin (OVA), by a modified carbodiimide method and then the hapten-protein conjugates were characterized by ultraviolet...

Author(s): Yousheng Jiang, Xuanyun Huang, Kun Hu, Wenjuan Yu, Xianle Yang and Liqun Lv

October 2011

Carbon adaptation influence the antagonistic ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis

Influences of carbon adaptation on antagonistic activities of three Pseudomonasaeruginosa strains V4, V7 and V10 against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis weredetermined in this study. Results from this study showed that the P. aeruginosastrains and their adapted strains significantly inhibited the growth of mycelium of F. oxysporum f. sp. Melonis,...

Author(s): Bin Li, Rongrong Yu, Qiaomei Tang, Xiaoling Chen, Zhiyi Wu, Yanli Wang, Guanlin Xie, Hongye Li and Guochang Sun   Both authors contributed equally to the work.

October 2011

Correlation between salt tolerance and genetic diversity between Sulla carnosa and Sulla coronaria

Sulla constitutes an important genetic resource contributing to pastoral production, particularly in semi-arid regions. In Tunisia, seedlings of the southern species Sulla carnosa (Desf.) and the northern species Sulla coronaria (L.) were treated with NaCl (0, 100 and 200 mM) for 27 days. Salt treatments decreased leaf dry matter more in S. carnosa than in S....

Author(s): Rym Kaddour#, Nehla Sellami#, Houda Chennaoui, Nawel Nasri, Olfa Baatour, Hela Mahmoudi, Imen Tarchoun, Mokhtar Lachaâl, Margaret Gruber and Neila Trifi   #These author contributed equally to this to this work.

October 2011

The effect of osmopriming on germination, seedling growth and phosphatase activities of lettuce under saline condition

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of osmopriming with KNO3on germination traits, seedling growth and phosphatase activities of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds under salinity condition. Lettuce seeds (Var. Vista) were primed with KNO3 (0.05%) for 2 h at 25°C in the dark. Primed and non-primed seeds were germinated on distilled water containing 0 or 100 mM NaCl, for four days....

Author(s): Nawel Nasri, Rym Kaddour, Hela Mahmoudi, Olfa Baatour, Najoua Bouraoui and Mokhtar Lachaâl

October 2011

Seed anatomy, moisture content and scarification influence on imbibition in wild banana (Musa acuminata Colla) ecotypes

Low and erratic germination in wild banana seed is caused by dormancy due to physical, anatomical or physiological reasons. Imbibition activates germination process and the rate of water uptake during imbibition is influenced by seed molecular composition and internal and external morphological structures. The present study aimed at examining the effect of seed anatomy and seed moisture content on water uptake by wild...

Author(s): Adam. B. Puteh, Ellia M. Aris, Uma R. Sinniah, Md. M. Rahman, Rosli B. Mohamad and Nur. A. P. Abdullah

October 2011

Effects of diameter and helical angle of flute on the flow evenness of fluted roller used in seed drills using lentil seed

In this study, the optimum dimensions of flute diameter and helical angle of fluted roller used in seed drills were determined for lentil seeds at 100 kg ha-1 of seed rate. The values of coefficient variation were used to determine the optimum dimensions of fluted rollers. The best rates of flow evenness and the minimum coefficient of variance values were obtained at the flute diameter of 8 and 10 mm, helical angle...

Author(s): Ibrahim Ethem Guler

October 2011

Assessment of soil seed bank from six different vegetation types in Kakamega forest, Western Kenya

Kakamega forest, the only rainforest in Kenya, has faced extensive fragmentation and degradation over the last decades. Slow recovery of degraded areas is due to slow or no natural regeneration. An assessment was conducted to ascertain the contribution of soil seed bank in forest regeneration within six sites in Kakamega Forest. Sites investigated were the natural forest, plantation, shrubland, secondary grassland,...

Author(s): Jennifer N. Mukhongo, J. I. Kinyamario, R. M. Chira and W. Musila

October 2011

Effects of shade and drought stress on soybean hormones and yield of main-stem and branch

Multiple frequently interactive stress factors naturally influence plant due to global change. The leaf’s hormone concentrations, main-stem and branch yield response to the combination of shade and drought were studied in a greenhouse experiment during 2009 and 2010 seasons. Pot experiments were conducted under shade of maize (LI) and normal irradiance (HI). Shade stress was removed once maize was harvested....

Author(s): Jing Zhang, Donald L. Smith, Weiguo Liu, Xinfu Chen and Wenyu Yang

October 2011

Management of parthenium weed by extracts and residue of wheat

This study was carried out to investigate the prospects of using methanolic extracts and residue of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for the management of parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.), one of the world’s worst weeds. In a laboratory bioassay, the effect of methanol extracts of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% (w/v) concentrations of four wheat varieties namely: AS 2002, Inqalab 91, Ufaq and Uqab was studied...

Author(s): Arshad Javaid, Khajista Jabeen, Sara Samad and Amna Javaid

October 2011

Effect of Cryphonectria parasitica toxin on lipid peroxidation and ultrastructure in two Chinese chestnut cultivars

In order to clarify the responses of different chestnut cultivars to Cp-toxin stress, the effect of Cp-toxin from Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr on Castanea mollissima Blume, especially on its cell structure, was examined. Chestnut shoots of both resistant (Beiyu No. 2) and susceptible (Hongguang) cultivars were treated with Cp-toxin for 24, 36, 48 and 72 h, respectively, and then...

Author(s): Shan Han, Tian-Hui Zhu, Shu-jiang Li and Fang-Lian Li

October 2011

Alleviating acid soil stress in cowpea with a local population of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

In Huai Teecha village in Northern Thailand, local cowpeas were grown on acidic low phosphorus soil without stress symptoms. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from this system have been found to promote growth of many crops but there is no information about their benefit in cowpea. In a field experiment, three improved cowpea lines (ITD - 1131, Ubon Ratchathani and IT90K – 227 - 2) and a local line (Teecha 1) were...

Author(s): Ayut Kongpun, Bernard Dell and Benjavan Rerkasem

October 2011

Different patterns of gene expression in rice varieties undergoing a resistant or susceptible interaction with the bacterial leaf streak pathogen

The rice line carrying the nonhost gene Rxo1, which was cloned from maize, exhibits a rapid hypersensitive response (HR) to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola(Xoc). In this study, a microarray experiment was carried out to analyze the genome-wide gene expression responses to Xoc at the early stage in the rice transgenic line and its wild type. 175 and 379 differentially regulated genes (DRGs)...

Author(s): Mei-Rong Xu, Casiana M Vera Cruz, Bin-Ying Fu, Ling-Hua Zhu, Yong-Li Zhou and Zhi-Kang Li,

October 2011

New microfungi records on pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) from Gaziantep province of Turkey

Pistacia L. belongs to the family of Anacardiaceae. It contains nine species and five subspecies. P. vera L. (cultivated pistachio) is the economically most important species in the genus. It has edible seeds and considerable commercial importance. Iran, the United States, Turkey and Syria are the main pistachio producers in the world. Gaziantep province is the main producer and exporter of pistachio in...

Author(s): Hasan Akgul, Demet Yılmazkaya and C. Cem Ergul

October 2011

Molecular cloning and characterization of the chalcone isomerase gene from sweetpotato

Anthocyanins are flavonoids and possess extensive bioactivities and pharmacological properties. Chalcone isomerase (CHI; EC is an essential enzyme of the anthocyanins biosynthetic pathway, which catalyzes the intramolecular cyclization of bicyclic chalcones into tricyclic (S)-flavanones. In order to investigate the role of chalcone isomerase in anthocyanins biosynthesis in sweetpotato, we cloned and...

Author(s): Zurong Zhang, Wei Qiang, Xiaoqiang Liu, Chunxian Yang, Yufan Fu, Min Chen, Lingjiang Zeng, Weiqiang Wang and Zhihua Liao

October 2011

Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade roads

In this paper the presence of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in lawns of roads in Belgrade, the capital city of the Republic of Serbia was analysed. The following lawn categories were selected for the purpose of analysis: the lawns of traffic roundabouts, the lane-dividing lawns, the lawns around roads and lawns around highway. Five-year research was conducted on 32 sites in Belgrade and 183 plant...

Author(s): Nenad Stavretović, and Jovana Stevanović

October 2011

Impact of allelopathy of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) roots extract on physiology of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Petri-dishes grown seedlings of wheat cvs. Margalla 99 and Chakwall 97 were treated with distilled water and with different extracts of sunflower roots. Data on physiology of wheat seedlings including germination rate, protein, proline, sugars, DNA, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and chlorophyll contents were recorded; all increased with allelochemicals treatments when compared...

Author(s): Javed Kamal

October 2011

Novel herbal adsorbent based on wheat husk for reactive dye removal from aqueous solutions

In the present study, wheat husk was applied as a natural adsorbent for the dye C. I. Reactive Yellow 15 removal from aqueous solutions. Different effective parameters of the decolorisation process such as contact time, stirring speed, temperature and pH of solutions were studied and the best condition for achieving the highest efficiency was introduced. It was found that the wheat husk activated with the solution of...

Author(s): Mohammad Mirjalili, Mahmood B. Tabatabai and Loghman Karimi

October 2011

Dynamics of plant functional groups composition along environmental gradients in the typical area of Yi-Luo River watershed

Biomass of dominant and companion species in plant functional groups may reflect associations among plant functional groups and species replacement along environmental (elevation) gradients in the typical area of Yi-Luo River. Using community ecology techniques, these researchers examined the influences of elevation factors on plant functional group dynamics and population interactions along elevation gradients in the...

Author(s): Bing-Hua Liao, Sheng-Yan Ding, Guo-Fu Liang, Yi-Li Guo, Li Tian, Si Shu, Yang Zhang and Huai-Xu Hu

October 2011

Identification of fungi from children's shoes and application of a novel antimicrobial agent on shoe insole

13 strains of fungi were isolated from 12 shoes worn by children aged 6 to12 for a period of more than half a year consisting of 5 strains of yeasts and 8 strains of molds. Through morphological observation and 18SrDNA sequence analysis, the 5 strains of yeasts were identified as follows: Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida albicans, Cryptococcus albidus, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Candida utilis. While the 8...

Author(s): Hui Li, Jin Zhou, Rui Shi and Wuyong Chen

October 2011

Salt stress induced changes in germination, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activities in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seedlings

Seeds of four lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) genotypes viz., Great Lakes (GL), Paris Island cos, Kagraner Sommer (KS) and Isadora were assessed for their response to salt at the germination and seedling stages. The germination rate of the four varieties was comparatively studied under 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM sodium chloride (NaCl) treatments. Differential response of genotypes to salt concentration was observed....

Author(s): Mahmoudi Hela#, Nasri Nawel#, Tarchoune Imen, Zargouni Hanen, Ben salah Imen, Ben Massoud Raouia, Baatour Olfa, Kaddour Rym, Ben Nasri Ayachi Mouhiba, Hannoufa Abdelali, Mokhtar Lachaâl and Zeineb Ouerghi   # Both authors contributed equally.

October 2011

Enhancement of organic acids production from model kitchen waste via anaerobic digestion

The aim of this study was to obtain the optimal conditions for organic acids production from anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste using response surface methodology (RSM). Fermentation was carried out using 250 ml shake flask which was incubated using an orbital shaker set at 200 rpm. Fermented kitchen wastes were used as inoculums sources. The individual and interactive effects of pH, temperature and inoculum size (%)...

Author(s): Halimatun Saadiah Hafid, Nor ‘Aini Abdul Rahman, Suraini Abd-Aziz, and Mohd Ali Hassan

October 2011

Lead tolerance and detoxification mechanism of Chlorophytum comosum

Chlorophytum comosum seedlings were grown in soils containing different lead (Pb) concentrations (CK, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg-dry soil) for three months and the effects on the growth, physiological indexes and the accumulation of C. comosum were examined. The results show that the tolerance index (TI) of C. comosum were all above 100 in soils containing 500 mg/kg or lower Pb....

Author(s): Youbao Wang, Jiemin Tao and Jie Dai

October 2011

Enhanced production and characterization of a novel β-D-glucose:oxygen-1-oxidoreductase by using Aspergillus niger UV-180-C mutant strain

Along with other emerging health consequences, diabetes mellitus is one of the critical threats spreading all over the world with continuity. The investigation of glucose level in diabetic patients requires the key enzyme β-D-glucose:oxygen-1-oxidoreductase/glucose oxidase, where its optimized production by mutant derived strain could affect the economic burden and accuracy of the test. Wild...

Author(s): Samreen Rasul, Muhammad Anjum Zia, Munir Ahmad Sheikh and Tehreema Iftikhar

October 2011

Quality control of fresh sweet corn in controlled freezing-point storage

The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of two kinds of storage (controlled freezing-point storage at -1°C and common cold storage at 4°C) on the quality of fresh sweet corn. Besides, perforated package and cold acclimation (5 days at 4°C, followed by 20 days at -1°C) were used as assistive technologies in controlled freezing-point...

Author(s): Xiaolong Shao and Yunfei Li,

October 2011

Use of genetic algorithms for high hydrostatic pressure inactivation of microorganisms

Published quadratic equations obtained by response surface methodology (RSM) for high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) inactivation of Bacillus cereus spores, Bacillus subtilis spores and cells, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes, all in milk buffer, were used to demonstrate the utility of genetic algorithms (GAs). It was possible to obtain several optimum pressure (P),...

Author(s): Satılmış Ürgün  and Sencer Buzrul

October 2011

Design, development and techniques for controlling grains post-harvest losses with metal silo for small and medium scale farmers

There are many challenges facing small scale farmers especially in Africa and other developing countries that lead to grains post-harvest losses. Amongst these are inadequate storage facilities, rodents, insects and birds. It was predicted that the world’s population will increase to about 9.1 billion people by the year 2050 and most of this increase will occur in developing countries. Hence, the need of investing...

Author(s): Babangida Lawal Yusuf and Yong He

October 2011

Development of sparse-seeded mutant kinnow (Citrus reticulata Blanco) through budwood irradiation

Kinnow is the major fruit of Pakistan and has a high export potential due to its excellent fruit and juice quality. However, high number of seeds (25 ± 5) per fruit is limiting its export on a large scale. Benefiting from the induced mutations for selectivity, especially in the vegetatively propagated fruit crops like citrus, induced mutation for seedlessness in Kinnow with gamma irradiation of dormant bud which...

Author(s): Shahid Akbar Khalil, Abdus Sattar and Roshan Zamir

October 2011

Pre-clinical toxicity of Morinda citrifolia Linn. leaf extract

This investigation was carried out to evaluate the safety of an aqueous extract ofMorinda citrifolia leaves (AEMC) by determining its potential toxicity after acute administration (5 g/kg) in rodents and cytotoxic studies. General behavior adverse effects and mortality were determined for up to 14 days. Biochemical and hematological parameters were determined after 14 days. Cytotoxic effects of the AEMC were...

Author(s): Mairim Russo Serafini, Claudio Moreira de Lima, Rodrigo Correia Santos, Grace Anne Azevedo Dória, Josepha Yohanna de Jesus, Marcelia Garcez Dória de Melo, João Paulo Almeida dos Santos, Thallita Kelly Rabelo, Vanessa Silveira Fortes, Maria José Vieira Fonseca, Ricardo Luiz Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Junior, Lucindo José Quintans-Júnior and Adriano Antunes de Souza Araújo

October 2011

Cosmeceutical values, antimicrobial activities and antioxidant properties of cashew leaves extract

With the increasing concern of public health and consumers’ awareness, non-chemical cosmetics are booming worldwide. Plants are important in formulating natural and non-chemical cosmetic products, thus making the plant materials highly potential to be developed into cosmetic formulating ingredients. However, colour interference is a very critical item in producing cosmetic. The plant extracts which are...

Author(s): Siavash Hosseinpour Chermahini and Fadzilah Adibah Abdul Majid

October 2011

Microwave-assisted extraction and antihyperlipidemic effect of total flavonoids from corn silk

The process of microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) of total flavonoids from corn silk and the hypolipidemia in animal models were studied. Influence of solvent concentration, microwave power, extraction time and dose of solvent were investigated and then, the orthogonal experiments were performed. Animal models of hyperlipidemia induced by high-fat diet were established. The serum levels were respectively measured,...

Author(s): Zhang Yan , , Sui Da-Yun, Zhou Jing-Shu And Zhou Hong-Li

October 2011

Vasorelaxant response induced by Sida santaremnensis H. Monteiro ethanol extract on rat superior mesenteric artery

The aim of this work was to characterize the vasorelaxant effect produced by Sida santaremnensis ethanol extract (Ssan-EtOH) in rat superior mesenteric artery. Ssan-EtOH showed neither acute toxicity nor hemolytic activity. In the other hand, it induced a concentration-dependent vasorelaxant effect on phenylephrine (10 μmol/L) or KCl (80 mmol/L)-induced pre-contractions in endothelium-intact rat mesenteric...

Author(s): Daniel Dias Rufino Arcanjo, Nelma Neylanne Pinho Muniz Oliveira, Edson Santos Ferreira-Filho, Danielly Albuquerque da Costa, Mariana Helena Chaves, Antônio Carlos Romão Borges, Aldeídia Pereira de Oliveira and Rita de Cássia Meneses Oliveira

October 2011

A flow cytometric assay for simultaneously measuring the proliferation and cytotoxicity of cytokine induced killer cells in combination with carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) labeling

This research objective was to exploit a novel method for measuring the proliferation, cytotoxicity of cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells using carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester/proliferation index (CFSE/PI) and flow cytometric assay. As cells divide, CFSE is apportioned equally between the two daughter cells, leading to a characteristic flow cytometric profile where a number of peaks of...

Author(s): Xiu-Mei Duan, Jing Huang, Hong-Xi Ma, Xiao-Qi Wang, Yuan-Yuan Che, Yan Tan and Yin-Ping Wang#   # Both authors contributed equally to the work.

October 2011

Pathology of worm infestation in ovine and its treatment with two different plants extraction

The aim of this research was to obtain the effects of plant extraction of Fumariaceae on the control of experimental multiple nematodes infection as an antihelminthic and Scrophularia striata plant extraction as an anti-inflammatory of gastro intestinal tract (GIT) in lambs, and their effects on body weight gain. 24 lambs, 9 to 13 months of age with the average body weight of 16.175 kg, were divided in two...

Author(s): Ali M. Bahrami

October 2011

Mutation analysis of the negative regulator cyclin G2 in gastric cancer

Cyclin G2 is an unconventional cyclin which might have a potential negative role in carcinogenesis. In this study, the effect of cyclin G2 overexpression on gastric cell proliferation and expression levels of cyclin G2 in normal gastric cells and gastric cancer cells were investigated. Moreover, mutation analysis was performed in tissues from 57 gastric cancer patients. Our data demonstrate that ectopic...

Author(s): Jinlan Gao#, Qi Liu#, Xing Liu, Yang Zhang, Shusen Wang and Yang Luo   #Both authors contributed equally to the work.

October 2011

Biofilm production and antibiotic susceptibility profiles of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from HIV and AIDS patients in the Limpopo Province, South Africa

Staphylococcus aureus is a common pathogen associated with nosocomial as well as community acquired infections. Despite multiple reports on the severity and recurrent nature of S. aureus infection, the pathogenesis as well as antibiotic susceptibility profiles of S. aureus infecting HIV and AIDS patients has not been well studied in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Hence, the study was aimed at...

Author(s): Samie, A. and Shivambu, N.

October 2011

Optimization for ultra high pressure extraction of Scutellaria barbata by central composite design-response surface methodology

A high performance ultra high pressure (UHP) technique was developed for high yield extraction of bioactive components from Scutellaria barbata at lower temperatures, within a short time, and for less power consumption. The UHP process of scutellarin, luteolin and apigenin from S. barbata was optimized by using central composite design-response surface methodology (CCD-RSM). The...

Author(s): Sheng-tan Zhang,#, Zhao-yu Wang#, Guo-hua Cheng#, Tie-shan Wang, Zheng Ni and Jing-ming Lin   #These authors contributed equally to this paper

October 2011

In vitro activity of certain antimicrobial agents in combination with Augouardia letestii hexane extracts against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

The ability of methicillin-resistant Staphycoccus aureus to acquire resistance to most antibiotics is a worldwide concern that necessitated the study of the antimicrobial activity of the medicinal plant Augouardia lestestii alone and in combination with existing antibiotics. The minimum inhibitory concentration was determined by broth microdilution method and the evaluation of synergy was determined by the...

Author(s): rice W. Obiang-Obounou, Jang-Gi Choi, Young-Seob Lee, Ok-Hwa Kang, You-Chang Oh, Joon-Ho Keum, Lamidi Maroufath, Jung-Rae Rho, Dong-Won Shin and Dong-Yeul Kwon  

October 2011

Description of a new species of the genus Phanerotoma Wesmael (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and a key to Saudi Arabian species

Phanerotoma arabica sp. nov., (Hym., Braconidae, Cheloninae) is described in Saudi Arabia. Morphological diagnostic characters of the new species are shown, and they are compared with those of the related species from Arabian region. A key to Saudi Arabian species is also provided.   Key words: Phanerotoma, Braconidae, new species, key, Saudi Arabia.

Author(s): Hamed A. Ghramh

October 2011

Effect of dietary citric acid supplementation and partial replacement of dietary fish meal with soybean meal on calcium and phosphorus of muscle, scute and serum of Beluga, Huso huso

Beluga is one of the most important fishes in Caspian Sea. The purpose of this experiment were to evaluate the effect of soybean meal (SBM) as a fishmeal (FM) partial replacement and citric acid (CA) supplement on the calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) of muscle, scute and serum of Beluga diets. Three isonitrogenous and isoenergetic experimental diets were formulated, they are SBM1 (soybean protein (SBP): fish protein...

Author(s): Fateme Khajepour and Seyed Abbas Hosseini

October 2011

Effects of diazinon on the ovarian micro-anatomical and micrometric parameters of pregnant mice

Pregnant mice (10 in 4 groups each) were exposed to diazinon (DZN) at 10 and 20 mg/kg on gestation day 6 (GD 6), 9 and 12. A group of 10 pregnant animals was maintained as untreated control. The ovaries were exteriorized on GD 18 by euthanizing the animals. The tissues were processed for histopathological and micrometric analysis. Oocytic nuclear derangements in terms of size increase followed by leakage of nuclear...

Author(s): Khawaja Raees Ahmad , Muhammad Zahir Tahir, Shafaat Yar Khan, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir, Kausar Raees, Muhammad Arshad and Tahir Abbas

October 2011

Comparative proteomic analysis of the effects of dietary mugwort (Artemisia iwayomogi Kitamura) on the pig Longissimus dorsi muscle

Proteomic analysis by 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) of the longissimus dorsi muscle in finishing pigs (LY × D) grown on a diet supplemented with mugwort powder found roughly 300 spots on a polyacrylamide gel image. Among them, the expression levels of 12 spots were higher than those of the control group. From the results of peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) analysis, nine proteins were...

Author(s): Byung Uk Kim, Mi Ae Jeong, Yeon Sun Ryu, Hwa Chun Park, Jong Hyun Jung, Sam Woong Kim, Chul Wook Kim, Young Min Song, Ki Hwa Chung, Il Suk Kim, Sang Keun Jin, Sang Suk Lee and In Soon Choi, Kwang Keun Cho

October 2011

Evaluation of pre-mating reproductive isolation in Archachatina marginata from three populations in the humid tropics

Three populations of Archachatina marginata snails (P1, P2 and P3) obtained from natural snail habitats located in three states of Nigeria (one population per state) namely Enugu, Edo and River States were evaluated for pre-mating reproductive isolation using mate-choice tests. Total number of mated snails were very small (19.2%) compared to the number tested. Mating propensity (MP) varied significantly...

Author(s): Ogbu, C. C. and Ugwu, S. O. C.

October 2011

Estimation of genetic parameters for economic important traits in Moghani Iranian sheep

Moghani sheep breed is one of the most important meat type breeds among Iranian local sheep. The objective of this contribution was to estimate direct and maternal genetic variance as well as covariance between direct and maternal additive genetic effects. Maternal permanent environmental variance was also estimated. The following traits were studied: Birth weight (BW), average daily gain until three months (ADG3)...

Author(s): M. Bayeriyar, A. H. Khaltabadi Farahani and H. Moradi Shahrbabak

October 2011

cDNA cloning and polymorphic domains of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Iα in two Chinese native chicken breeds

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a highly polymorphic gene and plays an important role in immune system for vertebrate. To understand the polymorphism character of domestic, we cloned 32 cDNAs of MHC class I α genes of two local chicken breeds in different areas of China. There were 112 variable amino acid residues in all five domains (leader peptide, α1, α2, α3 and TM/CY...

Author(s): Yin Dai, , Xuelan Liu, Hong Ye, Fangfang Chen, Shengjie Liu and Weiyi Yu