Full Length Research Paper
Mechanic village should be adapted in developing countries rather than the city-wide auto mechanic workshop practice. This is suggested because developing countries are yet to enforce environmentally friendly automobile workshops and mechanic practice. If all automobile repair works in different cities are confined to mechanic villages, collection, preservation, recycling and reuse of spent oil will become effective. The goal is to stop the habit of disposing spent automobile oil on the ground, which results in excessive trace metal pollution of topsoil and insecurity of food products in the affected areas. Beside environmental quality, business and employment opportunities will improve. Small-scale refining or reprocessing of used oil in mechanic villages is lucrative and recycling plants are affordable and available. Cost benefit analysis indicate strong environmental benefits and annual turnover in excess of $2,234,375.00.
Key words: Changed oil, reprocessing, re-refining, cost benefit analysis, auto repair, Nigeria
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