Full Length Research Paper
This paper examines the roles, opportunities and challenges that women groups in Kisumu City face as they recycle polythene papers and water hyacinth plant materials to make various saleable products such as bags, mats and baskets. The study objectives were: To analyze the roles of women groups in environmental conservation; To examine the opportunities that the women groups had in the recycling of polythene papers and water hyacinth plants; To examine the challenges faced by the women groups in their recycling efforts; To analyze the policy implications of the recycling effort of the women groups involved in environmental conservation. The study utilized the following methodologies, structured interviews, participant observations, Key informants, focus group discussions. Thirty-five women groups were analyzed. The findings indicate that recycling of polythene papers and water hyacinth plants contribute to environmental conservation, as well presenting opportunities for the creation of wealth among women in the groups.
Key words: Environmental conservation, recycling, women groups, roles, opportunities
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