This objective of this study was to evaluate the soil physicochemical properties of crude oil seep area in in Ugwueme community in Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The study adopted stratified random sampling techniques. The soil samples were collected at 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depths in the crude oil seep site during the dry and wet seasons of the study year. The soils were analyzed for their physicochemical properties using atomic absorption spectrometry after digestion with a mixture of acids. Soil parameters showed that pH values at the crude oil-seep site were acidic, with high Ca, Mg, K, total organic carbon, total petroleum hydrocarbon and heavy metals, especially during dry season. Heavy metal concentrations at the oil seep site were generally higher than those of the control in the following order of decreasing magnitude as follows; Fe>Cu>Zn> Cr>Ni>Pb>Cd>As. Contamination/Pollution Index (CPI) values of metals fall within slight contamination to severe contamination range to slight pollution range. PCA ordination of Ugwueme vegetation revealed that hydrocarbon and topography are major factor responsible for heavy metal distributions. It is therefore recommended that adequate remedial measures against stress of vegetation by natural hydrocarbon seepage should be adopted.
Keywords: Diversity, Flora, Hydrocarbon seepage, Oil seep, Vegetation