African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0786
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEST
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 1135

Table of Content: September 2013; 7(9)

September 2013

Effect of Cypermethrin on some hematological parameters and prediction of their recovery in a freshwater Teleost, Cyprinus carpio

  The present investigation was conducted to evaluate the lethality of cypermethrin “pyrethroid” (25% EC with 100% purity) on common carp, Cyprinus carpio (fingerlings). The effect was assessed on the basis of impact of short term exposures of its below safe concentrations (1/2 (0.05 µl/L) and 1/10 (0.01 µl/L) parts of safe concentration) on some hematological parameters. The...

Author(s): Sahar Masud and I. J. Singh

September 2013

Comparison of East African and Iran natural feeding condition based on the chemical and biochemical properties of lake algae

        In the present world where pollutants like chemical fertilizers affect environmental conditions, a kind of organic fertilizer with enough micro and macro elements is very important. African soil is reported by many researchers to be important and having large capacity due to its nutrition materials. The possible effect of variety soils transported through atmosphere besides sunlight...

Author(s): Ezzati, Ramin

September 2013

Spatio-temporal variations in phytoplankton community structure in small water bodies within Lake Victoria basin, Kenya

  Spatio-temporal variations of phytoplankton, expressed in terms of species composition and diversity collected at various sampling sites in small water bodies (SWBs) within Lake Victoria basin, Kenya, were investigated monthly from November 2010 to June 2011, in relation to selected physical and chemical water quality parameters. Temperature, D.O, TN and TP revealed a significant difference between the dams...

Author(s): Steve O. Ngodhe, Phillip O. Raburu, Boaz K. Arara, Patrick O. Orwa and Alfred A. Otieno

September 2013

Comparative analysis of municipal solid waste (MSW) composition in three local government areas in Rivers State, Nigeria

Rivers State is one of the major oil producing States in Nigeria. Its capital, Port Harcourt and sub-urban areas have witnessed an increased influx of migrants in recent time. Consequently, the consumption of goods and services has also increased leading to generation of unprecedented quantities of municipal solid waste. Previous efforts by relevant authorities to contain this increase in waste generation have proved...

Author(s): Babatunde B. B., Vincent-Akpu I. F., Woke G. N., Atarhinyo E., Aharanwa U. C., Green A. F., Isaac-Joe O.

September 2013

Unusual rainfall shift during monsoon period of 2010 in Pakistan: Flash flooding in Northern Pakistan and riverine flooding in Southern Pakistan

  Floods due to “blocking event” in the jet stream during 2010 caused intense rainfall and flash floods in northern Pakistan which resulted to riverine flooding in southern Pakistan. In the beginning of July 2010, changes in summer monsoon rainfall patterns caused the most severe flooding in Pakistan history. Process control charts suggest that monsoon pattern was not normal which made one-fifth of...

Author(s):   Muhammad Arslan,, Muhammad Tauseef, Mehtab Gull, Mujtaba Baqir, Iftikhar Ahmad, Usman Ashraf and Bassam Shafiq Al-Tawabini

September 2013

The impacts of auto-mechanic workshops on soil and groundwater in Ibadan metropolis

  The extents of groundwater and soil pollution arising from auto-mechanic activities from auto-mechanic workshops at Ibadan metropolis were examined. Groundwater and top soil samples from auto-mechanic villages and control site were collected fortnightly over a period of two months and analysed for both physicochemical parameters and some heavy metals. Results of physicochemical parameters of groundwater...

Author(s): ADEWOYIN, O. A., HASSAN, A. T. and ALADESIDA, A. A.

September 2013

Generation of electronic waste in India: Current scenario, dilemmas and stakeholders

  This paper tries to quantify the amount of E-waste generated in India with the related stakeholder involvement. Electronic waste (E-waste) or waste electrical and electronic equipments (WEEE), which is relatively a recent addition to the hazardous waste stream, is drawing rapid attention across the globe as the quantity being generated is rising rapidly. All electrical and electronic equipments (EEE), on...

Author(s): Anwesha Borthakur and Kunal Sinha

September 2013

Human health risk characterization of lead pollution in contaminated farmlands of Abare village, Zamfara State, Nigeria

        This study was initiated to assess the level of lead (Pb) contamination in farmlands, crop plants and water sources and the health risk in one of the Pb-contaminated villages of Zamfara State. Soil samples were collected from two depths at intervals of 10, 50, 150, 300, 500 and 1000 m from the last house along each of the four cardinal directions (North, South, East and West). Crop...

Author(s): N. Abdu and A.A Yusuf

September 2013

Heavy metal levels in soil samples from highly industrialized Lagos environment

        The effect of heavy metals on the environment is of serious concern and threatens life in all forms. Environmental contamination is correlated with the degree of industrialization and intensities of chemical usage. The aim of this study was to determine to what extent, human and industrial activities have affected the quality of soil due to contamination of soil with heavy metals and...

Author(s): Chimezie Anyakora, Teddy Ehianeta and Oghenetega Umukoro

September 2013

Sublethal effects of cadmium, manganese, lead, zinc and iron on the plasma electrolytes regulation of mice, Mus Musculus

        The toxicological evaluations of cadmium, iron, manganese, lead and zinc were carried out against albino mice model, Mus musculus. On the basis of 96 hrLC50 value, cadmium (0.47 mM) was found to be the most toxic followed by zinc (2.40 mM), lead (2.42 mM), iron (4.25 mM) and manganese (5.70 mM) was least toxic. This study also evaluated the sublethal effects of cadmium, manganese,...

Author(s): Osuala, Fidelia Ijeoma, Otitoloju, Adebayo Akeem and Igwo-Ezikpe, M. N.