How to cite this article
Kinuthia, L. N., Mburugu, K. G., & Mutuku, M. (2014). Fashion marketing: Strategies in the garment-making micro and small enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya. African Journal of Marketing Management, 6(5), 68-74.
Chicago /
Lydia N. Kinuthia, Keren G. Mburugu and MilcahMulu-Mutuku. "Fashion marketing: Strategies in the garment-making micro and small enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya." African Journal of Marketing Management 6, no. 5 (2014): 68-74.
Lydia N. Kinuthia, Keren G. Mburugu and MilcahMulu-Mutuku. "Fashion marketing: Strategies in the garment-making micro and small enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya." African Journal of Marketing Management 6.5 (2014): 68-74.