Full Length Research Paper
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a retrovirus that infects cats. This infectious disease is a form of cancer of blood cells called lymphocytes. FeLV occurs in nature not as a single genomic species but as a family of closely related viruses. The aim of present study was to detect FeLV in Iranian domestic cats Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Fifty six blood samples were tested for FeLV using molecular techniques and out of 56 samples overall frequency of FeLV infection was 2.2%. The results showed that FeLV is a specific infection and the other common feline infectious pathogens and FeLV seem to be endemic in Iranian cats Vaccination and testing programs have proven to be effective in decreasing FeLV infection in Iran and may potentially totally eliminate it at least in other countries.
Key words: Feline leukemia virus, PCR, Iranian domestic cats.
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