African Journal of
Microbiology Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0808
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJMR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 5238

Full Length Research Paper

Determination of insecticidal toxicity of three species of entomopathogenic spore-forming bacterial isolates against Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

N. Du Rand and M. D. Laing
Department of Plant Pathology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, Pietermaritzburg, Republic of South Africa.
Email: [email protected]

  •  Published: 18 August 2011


Bioassays were conducted using larvae of mealworms, Tenebrio molitor, to determine lethal concentration for five entomopathogenic strains of spore-forming bacteria. Lethal concentration was determined by feeding T. molitor larvae cabbage discs dipped in whole cell cultures of these five strains of bacteria. The strains of bacteria were isolates ofBacillus cereus, Bacillus thuringiensis and Brevibacillus laterosporus. An isolate of B. cereus required the highest concentration of viable spores (8.531 x 10spores ml-1) to achieve its LC50, whereas an isolate of B. laterosporus required the lowest concentration of viable spores (3.388 x 10spores ml-1) to achieve LC50.


Key words: Mealworms, spore-forming bacteria, bioassays.