How to cite this article
Udochukwu, U., Atuanya, E. I., & Usman, Z. (2022). Biodegradability of polystyrene plastics by bacterial isolates from plastic composted waste soil and molecular characterization of plastic degrading bacterial isolates. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 16(6), 247-257.
Chicago /
Udochukwu Ugueri, Atuanya E. I. and Usman Zainab. "Biodegradability of polystyrene plastics by bacterial isolates from plastic composted waste soil and molecular characterization of plastic degrading bacterial isolates." African Journal of Microbiology Research 16, no. 6 (2022): 247-257.
Udochukwu Ugueri, Atuanya E. I. and Usman Zainab. "Biodegradability of polystyrene plastics by bacterial isolates from plastic composted waste soil and molecular characterization of plastic degrading bacterial isolates." African Journal of Microbiology Research 16.6 (2022): 247-257.