Full Length Research Paper
The aim of this study is to observe the effect of Education and Informatics Net (EIN) supported math teaching on students’ success in geometry teaching 5th grade level and to observe students’ comments on EIN. This study was conducted in the 2nd term of 2018-2019 school year. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were implemented. Pre-test and post-test controlled grouped quasi-experimental design was used in the research’s quantitative part. While 5th grade geometry subjects were taught via course books and concrete materials to one group, the other group was exposed to EIN supported math teaching methods. The research sample is limited, comprising Giresun city, 34 secondary school students, of whom 17 each were for the experimental and control group. An achievement test consists of 25 questions was developed by the researcher and its validity and reliability were checked by experts in the field. The achievement test was implemented through both groups as pre-test, post-test and permanency test after 8 weeks. The collected data was administered through SPSS 24.0 package program. Paired t-test and unpaired t-test were used to analyze the collected data. Students were asked to answer the beforehand prepared feedback form that consists of questions about the use of EIN in the qualitative part of the research. When the quantitative data results are analyzed, both of the groups had succeeded in learning 5th grade geometry subjects. However, it is seen that experimental group students are more successful than the ones in control group. Permanent learning happened in both of the groups. In addition, it is clear that students have positive attitudes towards EIN according to qualitative data results.
Key words: Educational Informatics Network (EBA), 5th grade geometry teaching, geometry.
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