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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between emotional literacy, cognitive flexibility and counseling self-efficacy among senior students studying in psychology and psychological counseling and guidance departments. Participants of the study were 397 (306 female and 91 male) undergraduate students enrolled in Medipol University, Trakya University, Ankara University, Pamukkale University, Ä°stanbul Commerce University and NuhNaci Yazgan University. The age of the participants ranged from 20 to 38 with the mean age of 22.36 (SD 1.67). For data collection, the 34-item Emotional Literacy Scale, 12-item Cognitive Flexibility Scale and 41-item Counseling Self-Efficacy Scale have been used. The results of path analysis yielded that emotional literacy has positively direct correlations with helping skills self-efficacy and session management self-efficacy whereas cognitive flexibility has positively direct correlations with helping skills self-efficacy, session management self-efficacy and counseling challenges self-efficacy. The proposed model of emotional literacy and cognitive flexibility came by accounting for 21% of the variance of the helping skills self-efficacy, 17% of the variance of the session management and 12% of the variance of the counseling challenges self-efficacy in the current study.
Key words: Emotional literacy, cognitive flexibility, counseling self-efficacy, undergraduate students.
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