Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 12 November, 2011; 6(18)

November 2011

Are extra classes the success behind high performance and marks?

Extra classes have been a fixture in the educational system in India. They pre-date all existing educational programmes and examinations. Yet more recently the justification and reasons for the maintenance of these classes have been called into question. There have been unsubstantiated claims that in some cases the classes have been "organized" in some schools as a means to supplement some teachers'...

Author(s): N. Santhi

November 2011

A non-econometric analysis with algebraic models to forecast the numbers of newly hired and retirement of public primary school teachers in Taiwan

In recent years, the "street teachers" issue has caused social concern in Taiwan. This study estimates the retirement of and needs for newly hired and public primary school teachers in 2010 using an algebraic model from the paper by Husssar (1999).This recursive methodology predicts the number of newly hired public primary school teachers due to teachers leaving the work force, and due to the predicted...

Author(s): Kuo Lung-Hsing, Yang Hung-Jen, Lin Ying-Wen (Lydia Lin) and Su Shang-Ming

November 2011

Effect of multiple intelligence theory practice on student success by Bloom 's taxonomy

In this study, it is aimed to determine the effects of the ‘Multiple Intelligence Theory’ on the retention and achievement of the students according to Bloom Taxsonomy. This study is a research as an experimental model. Research in academic year of 2008/2009 in Foca Izmir Lesbos Reha Country High School 9 Class is conducted on students. In this school, 9th grade class has 72 students. 50% of these students...

Author(s): Abdulkadir Uzunöz