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Extra classes have been a fixture in the educational system in India. They pre-date all existing educational programmes and examinations. Yet more recently the justification and reasons for the maintenance of these classes have been called into question. There have been unsubstantiated claims that in some cases the classes have been "organized" in some schools as a means to supplement some teachers' emoluments. The charge has been made too that some teachers "hold back" in their teaching duties during regular school hours because they have extra classes or time to complete their syllabus. But some of these "after-school" classes focus on recall of facts instead of understanding important concepts and improving. The fact is that the issue of extra classes is a long-standing and complex one. The main objective of the study is to identify the need for extra classes and to check out the plan of lesson and implementation. To give suggestion to the management for rescheduling the working hours. The issue of extra classes is an educational, economic and social one. Extra classes are creating a lot of stress and tension to the students and teachers who have to come early in the morning and late in the evening. This issue has led to lot of problems like resignation of teachers and students being overburdened. This research has been conducted among the teachers and students studying in grade 10, 11 and 12 in one of the reputed schools in Chennai. To find out the exact requirement of extra classes (whom, when (time) and which subjects). Is it the real reason behind their success? Descriptive research was adopted using non probability convenience method from a reputed school in Chennai with a sample of 120 teachers and 326 students. The main conclusion was that for most class 10 and above learners, it is probably too late for meaningful interventions and that mastering basic content of these subjects should be accomplished at the foundation phase of schooling. The provision of extra classes as a norm should be restricted, as it places great pressure on the students and also on the teachers. A good quality of classroom teaching during the regular working hours can tackle the growth of extra classes.
Key words: Extra classes, performance, lesson plan, coaching classes, special class, practical, course material, seminar
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