December 2023
The perception of junior secondary school teacher to their level of motivation in Bo District, Southern Region of Sierra Leone
The study assessed the perception of junior secondary school teacher to their level of motivation in Bo district, Southern Region of Sierra Leone. It adopted a descriptive research design to collect data on a sample size of 298 teachers. Self-administered perception questionnaire on teacher motivation (SAPQTM) was developed on the basis of the objectives of the study. Data was collected and analyzed using descriptive...
December 2023
Meta-cognitive knowledge, locus of control and understanding mathematical jokes: A study in students with and without learning disabilities
This study examined how metacognitive knowledge and locus of control are associated with understanding mathematical jokes in students with and without learning disabilities. This study looked at a sample of 60 ninth-grade students of which 30 had a learning disability diagnosis and 30 had no learning disabilities. Students were tested using three instruments: a metacognitive knowledge questionnaire, a locus of control...
December 2023
The effect of differentiated instruction on gifted students' critical thinking skills and mathematics problem solving attitudes
It is known that a significant portion of the world's child population is gifted. Studies on the applications that can be used in the education of these gifted students have been given importance in recent years. In this study, the effect of differentiated instruction method on mathematics problem solving attitude and critical thinking skills of gifted students at primary school level was examined. The research is a...
December 2023
Examining e-learning adoption intention among academic staff in higher education institutions: A developing country context
E-learning presents a significant opportunity for developing countries to rapidly increase the availability of higher education to their population. However, e-learning is not widely adopted in many developing countries such as Nigeria. This study aims to advance our understanding of the determinants of e-learning adoption by examining the factors influencing e-learning adoption intentions among academic staff in higher...
December 2023
The perception of junior secondary school teachers on their performance in Bo District, Southern Sierra Leone
The study investigated the effects of motivation on the performance of Junior Secondary School teachers in Bo district, Southern Sierra Leone. It adopted a descriptive research design to collect data on a sample size of 298 teachers. The descriptive statistics analysis revealed that the performance of teachers was high; this implies that teachers rated their performance as of a high standard. They indicated that most...
December 2023
Teacher professional development in Zimbabwe: Bridging resources to serve young children
This bounded case study illuminates the planning, delivery, and evaluation of early childhood professional development sessions conducted by the educational experts with a Zimbabwean non-profit organization in response to a need for professional development for early childhood teachers. Ethnographic and grounded theory methods were used by participant observers to collect and analyze data, including observational notes...