Journal of
AIDS and HIV Research

  • Abbreviation: J. AIDS HIV Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2359
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAHR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 298

Full Length Research Paper

Development and integration of IPV-4, a patient-reported screening instrument of intimate partner violence for primary and HIV care

Rob Fredericksen
  • Rob Fredericksen
  • Department of Medicine, University of Washington, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Emma Fitzsimmons
  • Emma Fitzsimmons
  • Department of Medicine, University of Washington, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Sonia Avendano-Soto
  • Sonia Avendano-Soto
  • Department of Medicine, University of California-San Diego, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Sharon Brown
  • Sharon Brown
  • Department of Medicine, University of Washington, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Katerina Christopoulos
  • Katerina Christopoulos
  • Department of Medicine, University of California-San Francisco, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Sarah Dougherty
  • Sarah Dougherty
  • Department of Medicine, University of Alabama-Birmingham, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Joseph Eron
  • Joseph Eron
  • Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Mari Kitahata
  • Mari Kitahata
  • Department of Medicine, University of Washington, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Stephanie Loo
  • Stephanie Loo
  • Fenway Community Health, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Kenneth Mayer
  • Kenneth Mayer
  • Fenway Community Health, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Michael Mugavero
  • Michael Mugavero
  • Department of Medicine, University of Alabama-Birmingham, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Sonia Napravnik
  • Sonia Napravnik
  • Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Conall O’Cleirigh
  • Conall O’Cleirigh
  • Fenway Community Health, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Jennifer Potter
  • Jennifer Potter
  • Fenway Community Health, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Stephanie Ruderman
  • Stephanie Ruderman
  • Department of Medicine, University of Washington, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Laurie Smith
  • Laurie Smith
  • Department of Medicine, University of Washington, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Paul Crane
  • Paul Crane
  • Department of Medicine, University of Washington, United States.
  • Google Scholar
Heidi Crane
  • Heidi Crane
  • Department of Medicine, University of Washington, United States.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 13 September 2022
  •  Accepted: 08 November 2022
  •  Published: 31 December 2022


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