May 2010
Regional trade agreements and its impact on trade flows for South African agricultural products
The aim of this study was to measure the impact of liberalisation on the South African agricultural economy, particularly the impact on trade flow of the exchange rate, trade liberalisation and distance of trading partners using the gravity model. The model found that all variables were significant at one percent and carried the expected sign. Only the EU dummy variable had an inverse relationship, implying that the EU...
May 2010
Rice trade policy options in an open developing economy: The Nigerian case study
The Nigerian rice industry is a crucial non-oil, agricultural sector in terms of its gross output and exports. Due to the significance of rice in Nigeria, government has placed a great emphasis on increasing rice production in order to achieve self - sufficiency. The industry is dominated by private sector investment and possesses bright prospects for attracting further private investments for generating greater export...
May 2010
Convention economics and coordination mechanisms in collective actions: The Uruguay certified beef case
Consumers’ interest for food quality and safety increases every day. The sanitary crises that have occurred in the beef cattle market have led to the need to guarantee traceability and the development of specialty brands (origin denominations, natural and organic meats, racial stamps, among others), in which trust in the process is the basic tool for competence. Therefore, this study aims to identify the forms of...
May 2010
An empirical evaluation of the determinants of household hurricane evacuation choice
In this study, we implement a set of probit models to analyze the determinants of household hurricane evacuation choice for a sample of 1,355 households in Florida. This article contributes to the literature by accounting for two issues normally neglected in previous studies; namely, regional variability and within season variability. The empirical results suggest that households living in risky environments (mobile...
May 2010
The dynamic relationship among poverty, inequality, and growth in rural Ethiopia: A micro evidence
The Ethiopian government has boldly set very rapid and sustainable growth and its equitable distribution as its prime development objective to end poverty in the foreseeable future. For this reason, promoting agricultural and rural development has been purported by the government as its top development agenda since it took power some 19 years back. Yet the extent to which the government realizes this objective remains...
May 2010
Real and conditional convergence in Africa: The case of the Franc zone countries
Using the convergence theory inspired by models of endogenous growth, this paper analysed convergence in the economies of the Franc Zone countries in Africa. With an econometric validation based on cross-sectional and panel data, the paper tested a number of hypotheses, the main ones being the convergence of the economies of the UEMOA and CEMAC zones through per capita income, the existence of spillover effects, as well...