Full Length Research Paper
Spider plant (Cleome gynandra L, Cleomaceae) is used in many parts of the world as an emergency crop, enabling populations to survive periods of hunger and famine. It is a leafy vegetable much appreciated by local populations, whose tender leaves and stems are used to prepare a variety of local dishes. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the perceptions and preferences of stakeholders in the C. gynandra L. (Cleomaceae) value chain in Burkina Faso. One hundred and twenty stakeholders from different socio-professional groups took part in the study. The scoring matrix method was used. This scoring system assigns scores on a scale from 0 to 5. A score of zero (0) is assigned if the genotype is not interesting, and a score of five (05) if the genotype is considered very interesting for the traits considered by the stakeholders. Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively for the least interesting to the most interesting genotypes. Six selection criteria were thus identified by the players in the value chain. These included plant height, number of primary branches, leaf biomass, low pubescence, leaf and twig tenderness, ease of cooking, less bitter taste and high market value. The OUA10, OUA9, KOM2 and MAN genotypes were preferred by all players in the value chain. Further breeding work based on these genotypes will eventually enable the extension of high-performance varieties for the benefit of local populations.
Key words: Value chain, selection criteria, Cleome gynandra, Burkina Faso.
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