African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: July 2007; 2(7)

July 2007

The role of dietary phytase in formulation of least cost and less polluting fish feed for sustainable aquaculture development in Nigeria

The production of fish meal in Nigeria from the wild sources has for some period now been dwindling and when available are very expensive, because most of the fish meal used in fish feed formulation are imported. Hence viable alternatives have to be found for the sustainability of the aquaculture industry in the country. Plant based protein sources, which are relatively cheap, readily available and easily accessible...

Author(s): U. U. Gabriel, O. A. Akinrotimi, P. E. Anyanwu, D. O. Bekibele and D. N. Onunkwo      

July 2007

Locally produced fish feed: potentials for aquaculture development in subsaharan Africa

Aquaculture development and growth in Africa have been on a low ebb despite the vast aquatic resources that abounds on the continent. Since the introduction of aquaculture to Africa, some decades ago, there have been a lot of innovations, technological advancement and progress in the areas of genetics, seed propagation, pond construction and farm management in general. Despite breakthroughs recorded in these areas most...

Author(s): U.U. Gabriel, O. A Akinrotimi, D. O. Bekibele, D. N Onunkwo and P. E. Anyanwu        

July 2007

Determination of optimum age for transplanting cashew (Anacardium occidentale) seedlings in Northern Ghana

The effect of age on the survival and growth of transplanted cashew seedlings was studied in the savanna ecological zone of northern Ghana in three field experiments. The seedling ages studied varied between 1.5 and 4.5 months after sowing. Seedling age significantly affected the survival of cashew seedlings one year after transplanting in two experiments with seedlings of between 1.5 and 2 months old establishing...

Author(s): Opoku-Ameyaw, K., Amoah, F. M., Oppong, F. K. and Agene, V.      

July 2007

A weighted relative density model applied to loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands

We present a weighted, individual-tree relative density approach whose reference conditions have the same distribution of crown areas and species as a subject stand.  An initial evaluation of the method’s efficacy was performed within an even-aged loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation.  Species-specific reference density equations were developed using plot data and existing crown width...

Author(s): Opoku-Ameyaw, K., Amoah, F. M., Oppong, F. K. and Agene, V.        

July 2007

Epidemiological studies of white rust, downy mildew and Alternaria blight of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (Linn.) Czern. and Coss.)

White rust, downy mildew and Alternaria blight caused by Albugo candida (Pers.) KuntzePeronospora parasitica (Pers.) (de Bary) and Alternaria brassicicola (Schw.) Wiltshire respectively are important diseases on Indian mustard causing considerable loss. Maximum temperature positively correlated with disease index of all the three diseases. Maximum temperature from 26-29ºC and...

Author(s): Sangeetha, C.G.  and A. L. Siddaramaiah    

July 2007

Potential of farm-produced crop residues as protein sources for small-medium yielding dairy cows

The nutritive value of fifteen crops and by-products were investigated in terms of the protein and energy value for rumen microbial protein synthesis using in-situ and mobile bag techniques. The sunflower feedstuffs and the cotton seed cake have low digested carbohydrates, which may limit optimum microbial protein synthesis, while forage legumes and cereals have higher digested carbohydrates (P< 0.05)....

Author(s): Nobbert T. Ngongoni, Cletos Mapiye, Marizvukuru Mwale, Bartholomew Mupetaand Michael Chimonyo    

July 2007

An appraisal of the impact of petroleum hydrocarbons on soil fertility: the Owaza experience

Major fertility indices - N, P, K, TOC and TOM contents - were examined against the backdrop of physico-chemical conditions of pH, temperature, moisture content and electrical conductivity of soils three months after oil spillage at Owaza in the Niger Delta region of Southern Nigeria. Evidence of severe hydrocarbon contamination was provided by high extractable hydrocarbon content of 3.4 x 103 – 6.8 x...

Author(s): Leo C. Osuji and Iruka Nwoye      

July 2007

Estimating water needs of maize (Zea mays L.) using the dual crop coefficient method in the arid region of northwestern China

Understanding crop water needs is essential for irrigation scheduling and water saving measures in an arid region because of its limited water supply. This study was performed using the dual crop coefficient method to predict seasonal changes in evapotranspiration (ETc) for maize fields in northwestern China in 2004. The reference crop evapotranspiration ET0, an important parameter in simulating the actual crop...

Author(s): ZHAO Chuanyan, NAN Zhongren,